He still didn’t leave, sensing there was something else Carter wanted to say. The nurse must have felt the same, making an excuse to leave to make herself a snack.

“Your friend put the motorcycle I bought off him for Luc in the garage?”

“Burn did. It’s there until you’re ready to give it to him.”

“I’ll give it to him in the morning.”

Doom noticed the worried frown on Carter’s forehead. “Anything wrong?”

“You ever disappoint anyone?” Carter asked.

He nodded. “Once, when I didn’t take the job I was supposed to take.”

“Do you regret not taking it?”

“No. I don’t do regrets. They’re a waste of emotions. I didn’t take the job; I got married to your daughter instead. It all evened out.”

“I have two regrets. I cheated on my wife, and I sent Arden those text messages.”

“Your wife knew. She forgave you for your mistake. Arden knows about the text messages, and she forgave you too.”

“How do you know?”

“They both told me. Your wife and I talked after the first time I came here. I hate to tell you, but she listened in on our conversation with a monitor. She knew you regretted your mistake and forgave you.”

“Did you tell Arden I was the one who was texting her?”

“No. Her mother accidently did when she was on pain medication. Tink knew you were just concerned for her. She totally forgave you. Regrets will fuck with your mind. Don’t give them the time of day, okay?”

“Okay. I’m glad you decided to stay.”

“Me too. Night, Carter.”

“Doom, take care of my children when I’m gone.”

He placed his hand over Carter’s heart. “Rest easy, brother. I’ve got you covered.”

Carter gave him a weary nod. “Night, Doom.

* * *

A knock early the next morning woke Tink and him from sleep. Doom went to the bedroom door and quietly talking to Carter’s nurse, before he told her they would come downstairs. He closed the door and turned to see Tink sitting up in bed.

“Dad?” she asked tearfully.

“He’s gone. The nurse called the doctor. He’s on his way.”

“I’ll get dressed.” Tink started to get off the bed then sat back down, bursting into tears. “I’m going to miss him so bad.”

“I know, honey.” Doom sat down next to her and pulled her into his arms.

“The angels will be giving him his wings,” she sobbed.

Doom hated to disabuse her, but her dad might not have belonged to a motorcycle club, yet he had the heart of a biker. He damn sure didn’t want her saying that when it was his turn to bite the dust.

“Honey… Bikers aren’t about the wings unless they’re patched onto their jackets. Bikers go to biker heaven, where we’re given a Harley, a glass of beer, and can ride to their heart’s content.”

Tink used the corner of the sheet to wipe at her tears. “I can’t believe you’re making jokes.”

“I’m not joking. You have your idea of heaven; bikers have theirs.”

“My dad was not a biker.”

“Take it from me—he was a biker.”

“You only knew my dad for a few months, and you think you know him better than me?”

“Let me ask you a question.”

Tink jerked herself out of his arms to start grabbing clothes. “What?” she snapped.

“Have you never seen your dad’s naked ass?”



“Blow out the candles, Grandpa!” a chorus of childish voices yelled out.

Pressing his necklace to his chest, Doom leaned over the table to blow out his candles. Thankfully, Tink had bought the number candles for 84 instead of the dozens she had last year.

“Happy birthday!” Tink pressed a kiss to my cheek. “Who all wants a piece of cake?”

“I do!” A little girl sitting on her knees on the chair next to the cake bounced up and down in excitement.

“Mine first!” another little girl sitting across the table spoke louder, trying to overrule her sister.

“Grandpa gets the first slice, and then I’ll cut you each a piece and give it to you at the same time,” Tink told them placatingly.

Taking his cake from Tink, he walked around the room, mingling with his guests and family members. When he was finished with the cake, he threw the paper plate away and made his way to his office, where he turned on the light before closing the door. Sitting behind the desk, he opened a drawer to take out an empty jewelry box. As he was closing the drawer, Doom heard a knock on the door.

“Come in,” he called out.

His son stuck his head in the door. “I wondered where you had gone off to.”

“I just wanted to get this package ready for you to mail for me in the morning, if you wouldn’t mind?”

“Not at all.” Carter came further into the room to stand in front of his desk.

Doom took off the corded necklace he hadn’t taken off since he had put it on all those years ago. Some days, like today, it lay loose on his chest; other days, it was a choker, the tight length leaving an imprint in his flesh.