“Doom, will you please let my brother out of the headlock?”

Doom released Blue with a final shake.

Blue gave his sister an apologetic look. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. You don’t know how many times I wish I were as smart as you.”

“I’m sorry if you felt I thought differently for you and Arden.” Carter caught his son’s hand.

“You didn’t, Dad. Doom is right. You tried to teach me the same things you taught Arden, but to tell you the truth, it was easier to resent Arden than having to admit that we don’t share the same interests,” he admitted then hastily added, “other than motorcycles.”

“Can’t blame you there. I hate fixing shit too,” Buck said from the side.

“We should be getting back.” Tink smiled at Lucky and Rider. “Thank you for getting and repairing the bike.”

Carter gave his thanks, shaking The Last Riders’ hands.

Doom got on the motorcycle. “Here, Tink.”

She turned, and Doom tossed his wife the keys to his bike.

“You can ride it back home for me.”

“You trust me to ride your bike?” Disbelieving, she stared at the keys.

“Of course.”

Doom had to brace his feet to keep Tink from tilting her dad’s bike when she threw her arms around his neck to kiss him.

“You can ride next to us,” Doom said.

She gave Blue a hesitant smile. “Do you want to ride with me or drive my car back?”

“I’ll ride with you.”

“Just leave the keys in the car. One of the brothers will drive it back,” Doom told her.

Excited, Arden and Blue got on the motorcycle.

Doom looked around, searching for Wizard as president. They couldn’t leave without him in the lead.

“Burn, where’s Wizard?” Doom yelled out.

Burn rolled his motorcycle forward next to his. “He went inside to ask if anyone had any cigarettes.”

Doom frowned. “Wizard quit smoking. He hasn’t smoked in months.”

“Yeah, well…” Burn grinned. “He’s pretty pissed off right now.”

“About what?”

“He was complaining about how you stole Tink right out from under his nose. He said it isn’t fair you nabbed the only woman in the state of Ohio who doesn’t mind plunging a toilet. But I think her being able to ride a motorcycle was too much for him. He needs a cigarette to calm down. He went back inside, hoping one of the older veterans might have one.”

Doom snorted. “Most of them are on oxygen. He’ll blow the club sky high.”

Burn took a pack of cigarettes out of his jacket pocket and pulled one out. “I don’t think he cares.”

Doom heard Tink’s laughter at Wizard’s sour complaints.

“Why are you laughing?”

She made a face at him. “Well, you kind of did, remember?”

Damn, he had. Tink hadn’t been in the club three minutes before he had scooped her up to take her to the office. Doom couldn’t help but appreciate how fucking hot his wife looked on the motorcycle.

Kicking down his kickstand, he got of the motorcycle to wrap a hand around the nape of Tink’s neck, giving his wife a passionate kiss. Raising his lips to admire her rosy-red ones, he gave her a predatory smile.

“Honey, I’ve never been accused of being a stupid man.”

* * *

The ride back was one he would always remember for the sheer happiness on Carter’s face when they arrived back home.

As he got off the motorcycle, his father-in-law grabbed the sleeve of his jacket.

“Could someone take a picture of us together before you take me inside?” Carter asked.

“Of course.”

Wizard took several pictures of Carter with Tink, Blue, and several of them all together. Doom especially liked the one where Tink sat on the motorcycle, with her dad behind her and Luc’s arm around his father’s shoulders. Doom promised himself he would get it printed tomorrow.

Wizard showed Carter all the pictures before Doom carried him inside and put him on his bed. Then the nurse bustled around Carter, getting him changed into pajamas, while Tink made a plate of sandwiches she brought to the room. They all spent a couple of hours just sitting around his room with the television playing in the background as they talked.

When the nurse gave Carter his night medicine, Tink and Luc took it as a sign that Carter needed his rest. They kissed their father before leaving, but Doom lagged behind. He had gotten into the habit of double-checking if Carter needed anything that he didn’t want to ask his children for.

“You good?”

Noticing his embarrassment, Doom carried him to the bathroom and watched television until he heard Carter calling out to him when he was ready. He took him back to bed and placed the covers back over him.

“Thank you for today, Doom.”

“No thanks needed. I enjoyed it as much as you.”

“Doubtful.” Carter gave him a tired smile. “I thought I’d never sit on a motorcycle again before I died. Thank you for making that possible.”

Doom gave him an encouraging pat on the arm. “There’s no reason we can’t do it again.”