“I bought some bagels to take to the club. I thought you might like some, too.” Moving toward the door, she managed to pin a smile on her lips. “I hope you enjoy them. I better be going.”

Doom didn’t let her make it to the door. Catching her by the waist, he brought her up short.

“Hold on.” He turned them both to face Celeste and Burn. “We can settle up later.”

“Cool. I promised Celeste pancakes, so we’ll be heading out.”

Reluctantly, Arden let Doom move her aside so Celeste and Burn could leave.

Doom released her to close the door but kept his body between her and the doorway.

She was sick to her stomach that she wouldn’t be able to escape Doom putting a fait accompli on the short time they had been together.

Nervously going back to the counter, she picked up one of the coffees. She took a sip and motioned toward the other. “I brought you a coffee.” Stating the obvious, she pasted a benign expression on her face, attempting to get through the next few minutes.

“Thanks.” Doom ran his hand through his hair. “I know what you’re thinking. Nothing happened. Burn came to look at some furniture I’m selling. Celeste tagged along because they are going out to breakfast—”

“For pancakes.” Arden nodded. “Yes, that’s what he said.”

Uncomfortably, Doom stared at her, as if deciding what to say.

Arden decided to make it easier for him so she could get away to lick the wound she knew was coming. “Are you moving?” The husky tenor of her voice had her taking another sip of the hot coffee.

“Train called after you left last night. I’ll be leaving Friday.”

“I bet you’re thrilled. We’ll all be sad to see you go.”


“The Last Riders and me, of course.”

“I was going to tell you when I came to the club this afternoon.”

Arden clutched at the first excuse she could. “Well—it looks like you have some packing to do. I should be getting to the club.” She moved to go around him.

Doom frowned as he let her pass. “That’s it?”

Her shoulders stiffened, but she didn’t falter in her steps to the door. Fixated on controlling her emotions, she didn’t answer.

“Hell, at least Celeste begged me not to go.”

Tersely, Arden swung back in her sneakers. “Aw,” she spat out angrily. “Was that before or after she kissed you?” She stormed forward, and her hand came out to swipe over his mouth. Pulling back, she turned it so Doom could see the bright red lipstick on her hand. “Or—” she waved her hand under her nose, “after she hugged you? Celeste is pretty heavy on her perfume. You should buy her a quart before you leave. It smells as if at least that much rubbed off on you.”

Doom grimaced. “I don’t want this to get ugly between us.”

“Then you should have let me leave when I wanted to.” Arden raised her hands up in defeat. “What do you want from me? If I show no reaction, you’re not happy. When I do, it’s too much. I just can’t seem to please you.” Sarcastically, her hands went to her hips. “Maybe it would be simpler if you just told me what would make you happy?”

Doom’s mouth tightened into a tight line. “I thought we could spend the morning together.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Doing what? Having sex?” Arden winced at the shrill sound of her own voice.

At least he had the grace to turn red when she must have said what he was thinking.

Her mouth opened and closed. If the coffee weren’t hot, she would have thrown it at him.

“You’re something else. No, I won’t be staying to let you get your rocks off in me one more time. You have my permission to do anyone you want!” She rushed toward the door, and her hand went to the doorknob, but instead of turning the knob, she laid her head on the wood of the door when he didn’t stop her.

“Why couldn’t you let me leave when I had some pride left?” Shakily, she turned around to lean back to brace her weight before her knees gave out on her. “You’re not an idiot. You know I’m in love with you. That’s why I had sex with you. That’s why you ran out of my apartment as if it were on fire. You may have claimed me to ease your conscience when you wanted to have sex with me again, but we both knew deep down how I feel about you.”


Arden raised her hand. “Stop! Please, just stop with the honey, and Tink… I’m no more special to you than any other woman you’ve been with at the club. We’re just a way to pass the time until the job you were waiting for came through. It has, so you couldn’t wait to get your life all boxed up and disposed of before giving me the courtesy of telling me.”