“That’s bullshit.”

Doom butted in to support the older probate, “It’s true.”

The probates, seeing Doom was listening, changed the subject. Doom wasn’t ready to let it drop though.

“Who died?”

“Scorpion,” the older one replied.

Doom cocked his head to the side. “What makes you think he’s dead? He’s been on the run from the law. No one has heard from him or seen him in years.”

“Yeah. That’s how we know he’s dead.”

Doom took a drag of the cigarette. “He’s not in biker heaven,” he said doubtfully. “But he is probably getting a blowjob every ninety minutes.”

Still smoking the cigarette, Doom felt someone taking the seat next to him.

“I should charge you for that.” Picking up the pack, Wizard took the last cigarette. “These fuckers are expensive.”

“I’ll buy you a pack.”

“Don’t bother. I’m quitting after this one.” Wizard stared at the glowing tip. “You think Margarita and Haven are the ones texting Tink?”

“You heard?”

Wizard gave a sarcastic laugh. “No way I couldn’t. Fuck, you had me feeling bad for her. I was about to offer her my services when she gave in. Sad she’ll never know what she missed.”

Doom turned his head, leaving the cigarette dangling from his lips.

Shaking his head, Wizard twisted his lips at him. “Chill. I’m joking.” Wizard stared at him through the smoky haze. “You get the numbers?”

Doom nodded. “I texted them to Hawk. He’ll get on it when he comes up for air. You think it’s Margarita or Haven?”

“No. They’re in the Bahamas until next week. Margarita isn’t happy about being barred from the club for the month, but I don’t see her jeopardizing getting thrown out of the club altogether. Besides, if Margarita did want to get back at Tink, she would be smart enough not to identify herself.”

“I think so too.” Doom stubbed the cigarette out. Then, finishing off his beer, he stood.

“Where you going?”

“Home. Going to have an early night.”

“Since when do you go home this early on a Friday night?”

Using his foot, Doom pushed the stool under the counter. “I’m exhausted. Watching you fuck Oasis to prove to Tink the size of your dick doesn’t matter wore me out. I couldn’t let you outdo me.”

Doom went on the alert at the sardonic expression that crossed Wizard’s face.

“You sure it’s not because you don’t want to be distracted by a mirage when you have the real thing in your arms?” he said sarcastically.

Doom winced. “You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”

Wizard smacked him on his shoulder. “Fuck no, but I’m going to memorize what you said. Hell, it even tugged on my heartstrings.” He gave a feigned sniffle, his hand resting over his nonexistent heart. “When I use it on Natalia, I’ll remember to thank you for the inspiration.”

Doom released a puff of air. “You’re going to need more than inspiration to lay that woman. What you need is a fucking miracle—and two more inches.”

Doom cut and ran out the bar when Wizard stood up. He was still laughing as he got on his bike. Starting the motorcycle, he expected to see a threatening text from Wizard when he opened his phone.

He cut his motor and called the number of the man who had sent the text.

“What’s up?” Doom asked when Train answered.

“You ready to join the unit?”

“Hell yes!”

As the words came out, the first flush of excitement passed to be replaced with a sinking feeling of dread.

“Cool,” Train said. “I’m looking forward to having you on the team.”

“You want me to ride to Treepoint or—”

“No. Rider and I will be flying in on Thursday. We’ll leave Friday.”

“Rider’s coming?” Doom asked curiously.

“Yes, ’cause it’s such a short trip, he wanted to hitch a ride to see everyone.”

“Oh… The brothers will be excited to see him.”

Within a span of a month, three original members had come to Ohio. That was more than the last two years. Moon was still here, which already had Doom suspicious something was going on, which neither Wizard nor Shade had given him any hints about.

“Does a week give you enough time to settle any loose ends? Your first assignment will be going undercover. We’re anticipating from six to eight months, if not longer.”

Once he left, it would be at least six months before he would return to Ohio.

“It’ll only take a couple days to get my apartment cleaned out. I had already decided to sell my furniture. Anything I want to keep, I can get organized in storage by the time you get here.”

“Sounds like you’re better prepared than me,” Train grumbled. “I’m only going to be gone from Treepoint for a couple of weeks to make sure you’re settled in the assignment before I hand it over to Asher.”

Asher Hayth had been born in the military, with his father serving overseas and his mother serving as a United States ambassador to Cyprus. Asher was a stickler for his team members’ safety and had a nearly one hundred percent success rate of catching the perp he was sent in to bring down.