“Can I see the texts?”
Not having anything to hide from him anymore, she searched for the phone in her pocket.
“It’s on the floor,” Doom told her helpfully.
She looked down then back up to glare at him.
Doom arched his brows, remaining still.
“Aren’t you going to…?” Arden waved her hand in the direction of his cock.
“I was hoping we weren’t done for the night.”
“Trust me; we’re done.”
Zipping himself back into his jeans, he reached for her phone.
Arden took it from him with a glare then keyed in the code to her phone.
“Can’t blame a guy for trying.” He shrugged.
She pulled up her text messages and showed him the ones she had received from Haven and Margarita.
Doom took the phone to scroll through them before giving it back. “Don’t respond to any more of the texts. I’ll contact Margarita and Haven. Take a snapshot of the texts if they do and send it to me.”
“Okay. I should be getting home. The nurse leaves at twelve.”
Doom gave her enough space to leave.
“I guess I’ll see you later,” she said.
Angry he didn’t offer to walk her to the parking lot, she moved away from the wall. Seeing Wizard’s bare ass standing at the foot of his bed, with Oasis’s upper body on the bed with her legs over his shoulders, had her eyes jerking away from the erotic sight, only to turn in the other direction and see the orgy of flesh entangled together on Hawk’s bed.
She barely was able to stop herself from asking for God’s divine intervention to spare her more embarrassment. She would have died if she had distracted Jesus’s attention as she gaped at them.
As she stomped down the hallway, she went over several life choices she had made since her mother had called to complain about Luc. That was phone a call I would have been better off not answering, Arden thought snidely.
The big goon had laughed at her reaction to the two rooms.
Arden came to an abrupt stop at realizing Doom wasn’t following her to go back to the front of the bar. Turning about, she went back down the hallway, seeing him watch Wizard and Oasis.
On hearing her approach, Doom turned his head.
She reached his side and placed a hand over his eyes.
“You forget something?” he teased.
“Yes, your ass is still here.”
Doom grinned below her hand. “Would you like me to walk you to your car?”
“Yes, please.”
Tink didn’t remove her hand until he rotated and could no longer look into Wizard’s bedroom.
He slung an arm over her shoulders and walked with her down the hallway then through the bar.
Outside, several of the brothers were sitting on their bikes, drinking beer with the dozen or so women who couldn’t get inside the club.
When they reached her car, he opened the driver’s door. “There you go. Happy?”
Tink didn’t get in. “Are you—”
He wrapped his hand around the nape of her neck and gave her a passionate kiss. “I’m going to have a beer and then go my apartment. I won’t be giving out any more votes tonight.”
Giving him a relieved smile, Tink got into her car.
A troubled frown marred his forehead as he went back inside the club to take a seat at the bar.
“Kat, give me a beer and Wizard’s cigarettes.”
Kat gave him the beer then reached for the cigarettes.
“They’re old as dust. He’s almost out,” she said, giving him the cigarettes.
“I’ll buy him a fresh one when I come in tomorrow.” Opening the pack, Doom took one of the two cigarettes and lit it, then placed the lighter back inside the pack. He couldn’t remember the last time he smoked.
Sucking in the smoke, he rubbed his hand over his forehead. Never before had he taken the effort to reassure someone he wouldn’t party with other women. When Tink had made her approval part of their hooking up, he hadn’t really thought they would still be together. Instead of growing bored of her, she had become more addictive. After three puffs, he came to the conclusion he was going to give it a couple more days before he would break it off. Three at the max.
“He’s probably gone to bikers’ heaven.”
As he smoked the cigarette, Doom listened to the two probates sitting next to him.
“What in the fuck is bikers’ heaven?” the younger of the probates asked.
“It’s where bikers go when they die. Goody two-shoes goes straight to the heaven in the sky, sinners go to hell, and bikers go to a place in between. We ride the roads unseen by the living. During the day, we go up and pretend to be good, and at night, we go down below to party.”
The probate cracked up. “Do we get to party down below like we do here?”
The older probate laughed back before answering the question seriously. “Better. We get a brand-new Harley waiting for us when we die, which we ride for eternity. All the beer is ice cold, and we get blowjobs every ninety minutes.”