Moon was unfazed and went for the door. “It doesn’t hurt to try.”

“Wanna bet?”

Moon turned. “I’m always up for a bet.”

Wizard looked Moon dead in the eyes. “Then bet me what I’m going to do if you try to go out that door.”



“You know I’m going to crush you to a pulp right after I finish with Oasis?” Wizard fumed.

Doom nodded, grimacing. “Brother, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let Moon get to me.”

Wizard’s eyes narrowed into slits. He didn’t give a rat’s ass what Moon had done to start the brawl. “You better pray, and I mean pray hard, that I still stand a chance with Natalia.”

Doom looked up at the ceiling, away from Wizard’s flaccid cock. “To be fair, you didn’t have much of one anyway.”

“I did before she saw me!” he ranted. “Women always want to know what I’m packing. Now the mystery is gone.”

That’s for fucking sure, Doom thought, trying to keep his lips steady. “You should have turned. Your ass is your best feature.”

“Are you trying to be funny? I don’t want her sucking my ass. I want her to suck my dick!”

Doom dodged the chair Wizard threw at him.

“I’m just trying to lighten the situation. Hold up.” He raised his hand to prevent Wizard from throwing another chair. “Do you really want to hurt the only person who can save your ass?”

Wizard’s gaze grew more intent. “Yes, I do.”

“I’ll fix this, I swear. By the time I’m done, Natalia will think you’re God’s gift to women.”

Dropping the chair, Wizard strode toward the bar. “Kat, give me my cigarettes.”

Doom noticed Wizard’s hand was shaking when he lit his cigarette. He let him take a couple of puffs before saying anything else. Then he let him take a couple more. The brother was the angriest he had ever seen him.

When Wizard finally turned his face in his direction, he knew his life had been spared.

“Brother, I hope you know how close you came to dying.”

“I’m aware.”

Wizard blew out another jet of smoke. “That woman makes me ballistic.”

“I’m aware of that too. I’ll fix it; don’t worry.” Doom slid his foot to the side then moved the other one, trying to stealthily make his way to the kitchen.

Wizard’s eyes dropped to his feet. “I’m not the one who should be worried.” He used his cigarette to point at him. “Don’t think I don’t know why you let the stink on you get so bad. I don’t care if you smell like an outhouse. Next Saturday, we’re having church about Puck’s and Buck’s votes. It would be in your woman’s best interest if I’m in a much better mood before then. Capeesh?”

“Understood. I should go check on Tink. We good?”

“For now.” Wizard stubbed out his cigarette.

When he finally made it around the counter, Doom saw Oasis come up behind Wizard to twine her arms around his neck.

“May I make a suggestion?”

Maybe he should have waited until Wizard cooled down a little more, but his work was going to be hard enough as it was.

Wizard lit another cigarette. “No.”

“Fair enough. I’ll keep my opinion to myself then.”

“Do that.”

“I will.”

With the kitchen door next to him, he darted inside, feeling a huge relief that he had dodged a bullet. His relief was short-lived, however, when he saw Tink staring down at her cell phone with a frightened look on her face.

“Is something wrong with your parents?”

Guiltily, Tink shoved her phone into her dress’s pocket. “No, the nurse found the chart and gave them their medicines.”

“Something else going on then?”

“No. I’m just mad at myself that Luc wasn’t able to get a hold of me.”

“Accidents happen.”

Tink’s eyes skirted away from his. “I should go home and check in with him.” She moved toward the door, but Doom caught her lightly by the waist.

“If everything is cool, what’s the rush to leave?”

“Aren’t you still mad at me?”

“No, I’m over it. I’m going to let you off the hook this time. Even though…” He couldn’t help but bring up the most disturbing part of her plan. “I find it interesting we have so many apples here, and as far as I can recollect, buying fruits wasn’t on our grocery must-haves.”

“I really should go home—”

“Soon. You have your phone back on ring now?” he asked solicitously.

“Yes, thank you. It must have happened when I put in my pocket.”

“Hmm…” He tugged Tink closer to him. “You just put it back in your pocket. Do you need to check it again?”

“No… I was careful this time.”

He tried to remember where the paddle was that Shade had left behind from his bachelor days. His woman might have a diabolical mind, but she couldn’t lie worth shit.

“Before you leave, we need to have a discussion.”

“About what?” Looking suspicious, she tried to pull away. “If this is about Mama coming inside the club, I’m not going to say anything to her. She was doing me a favor. You really should tell Wizard he needs to make a club rule about people being naked outside of their room.”