“In a few days. I’m not in a big rush.” He shrugged, his eyes flicking to where Tink was cleaning a table.

Gritting his teeth, Doom forced himself to retain his composure as he finished his beer off. “I’m going to burst your bubble. Tink isn’t going to fuck you.”

Moon wasn’t perturbed at being called out for his intentions. “My time to waste. Besides,” he scrunched his nose at him, “she might want to be with someone who doesn’t smell like a…”

Doom waited for another comment about the garlic, preparing to give a cutting comeback.

“Flower garden.”

“You were listening?”

“Brother… All’s fair in love and war.”

One second, he was standing there, taking in Moon’s smug face, and the next, he was jerking Moon over the counter and punching the smug bastard wherever he could land a blow.

Chaos ensued with Kat giving a loud screech and several of the brothers rounding the bar to try to break up the fight.

He dunked Moon’s head in the ice cooler and knocked Buck back when he tried to pry his hands off Moon’s neck. Buck, never the easiest-going of the brothers, took exception at being pushed and launched his own attack on Doom.

Keeping one hand on Moon, Doom reached for a bottle of tequila and smashed it over Buck’s head when he came barreling toward him.

Puck furiously took exception to his brother being whacked and decided to take Buck’s back. Still on the other side of the bar, he leaned across to grab Doom around the neck, trying to pull him over the counter like Doom had done Moon.

Burn got out of his booth, trying to stop Puck, as he was the closest to him. When he jerked Puck back, his elbow accidently struck a new recruit on the jaw, setting off another fight between them.

“What the fuck?” Wizard’s outraged voice yelled out over the sounds of female screams and bottles breaking. “Puck, I’m going to fuck you up if you don’t let go of Doom!”

Puck, who was leaning over the bar, trying to shove Doom’s head into the cooler next to Moon’s, didn’t waver at Wizard’s order.

“Doom started it!” he yelled back.

Wizard shouted, “Doom, let Moon go!”

“Mama!” Tink’s shrill voice rang out over Wizard’s. “What are you doing here?”

Doom gave Moon’s head another push down into the ice before letting him go.

Standing back, he saw Wizard standing in the front of the bar, stark naked, with Oasis just as naked as him. Grimacing when he saw Mama standing there with her mouth hanging wide open, Doom knew he was dead meat. If Wizard didn’t kill him, Tink was going to by their furious glares directed at him.

Everyone in the club froze, too afraid to move.

Tink rushed toward Mama. “What are you doing here?”

“Luc was under the impression you were working at the restaurant tonight. He called looking for you, said you weren’t answering your phone. Your parents’ nurse had an emergency and had to leave. Another nurse came, but she can’t find your parents’ medication sheet to see if they were given their bedtime medications. I tried calling you as well but couldn’t get an answer, so I drove here.”

Mama’s contemptuous expression fixed on Wizard, whose thick dick had shrunk to the size of a pencil nub, before she glanced toward Oasis, who, noticing Mama’s expression turn pitying, moved to stand behind Wizard to hide her nudity. They weren’t the only ones who felt the blast of Mama’s withering condemnation. The party atmosphere was doused with many of the women straightening their clothes to a more modest level, which wasn’t easy to do considering their erotic clothing. He also heard more than two or three grunts from the brothers at their hard cocks being shoved back inside of their jeans.

“I’m sorry. I must have accidently put my phone on silent,” Tink hastened to explain.

Mama nodded, but Doom didn’t miss the intentional way she looked at Tink. He had heard a tremble in Tink’s voice, as Mama must have. Tink was lying about why her phone was off.

“I’ll call Luc right now.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then.”

“Thanks, Mama.”

“No problem. I’m always here for you and Luc.”

Doom stayed still, like everyone else in the club except Tink, who had run behind the counter to grab her cell phone then darted into the kitchen. The only other one brave enough to move was Moon.

Doom didn’t even flinch when Moon shook his head and slung water toward him. “I don’t want her to leave with a bad impression of us. I’ll make sure she gets safely to her car,” he offered, hurrying from around the bar.

As Moon passed, Wizard didn’t even move to block his path.

“Save yourself the trouble.”

Wizard’s cutting tone stopped Moon faster than his fist would have done.

“You see how she looked at my dick? If she can shrivel my dick, then, brother, you don’t have a shot of her not freezing yours off.”