How much worse was it going to be when her parents passed? She had grown up in the same home until she moved out. Would she and Luc be comforted by their memories, or would the home just become a source of pain-filled reminders of their passing? She was determined to cross that bridge when she had to, not before.

“Moon’s back from Treepoint. Something must be going on for him to come back so soon.”

Jerked away from her grim thoughts, she looked at Kat’s worried frown.

Moon hadn’t entered the door alone. A woman was with him. Her heart sank. Whoever she was, she was Doom’s type.

“Who did Moon bring with him?”

“No clue.” Kat avoided her inquiring gaze.

Arden didn’t buy that for a second. “Then guess.”

“I might be wrong… But if I have to, then I guess she would be a probate from Treepoint.”

Whoever she was, the woman was gorgeous. She was wearing a white asymmetrical dress, which lovingly skimmed her body. The V-neck design pertly showed off the firm thrust of her breasts while the color of the material revealed she wasn’t wearing a bra. Unable to help herself, Arden dropped her eyes to the lower portion of the dress. While it ended at just below the top of her thighs, the way the material was cut asymmetrically upward barely covered her crotch if she didn’t move.

As the woman followed Moon through the crowded room on red high heels, Arden saw the small patch covering her privates. Her stomach twisted nervously. They were heading in the direction where she had last seen Doom and Wizard.

“She’s come for votes.” Arden kept her expression deadpanned as she switched her gaze from them to Doom’s. He had spotted Moon and the woman. Her abdominal walls shuddered as if she had been sucker-punched when she saw what he was focused on.

“Probably,” Kat agreed. “Hell, she could get votes by just walking.”

If the distance between the woman and Doom were farther away, the probate darn sure would get Doom’s that way, Arden sickly surmised.

Doom and she had agreed they would ask before having sex with someone else. So far, she had dodged that bullet. Tonight, she wasn’t going to be that lucky.



“Well, well…” Wizard drawled out appreciatively. “Who did Moon bring?”

Doom shot a searching glance for Moon around the room and wished he hadn’t. The new probate, whom Moon had texted he would be bringing along for the ride, might as well have printed Fuck Me on her dress. Every male’s eye in the bar was on the probate, and most of the women’s. It wasn’t because her clothes were more revealing than any of the other women’s; it was the air of sexuality that clung to her like a second skin.

Moon’s grin showed he was pleased about their reaction.

Turning, Moon placed a hand on the small of the woman’s back to bring her forward. “This is Oasis.”

Doom gave her a nod when Moon introduced him then Wizard.

Wizard reached out to take Oasis’s arm and pulled her to his side. “Moon says you need two votes, baby.” Wizard’s hand went to her ass. “I’m ready to give you mine as soon as you rest up from the ride.”

Oasis’s hand went to Wizard’s bulge, stroking the cock behind the faded denim of his jeans. “I don’t need a rest.” The tip of her tongue came out to lick her highly glossed lips. “Moon made several pit stops. I’m all rested and raring to go.”

“Isn’t that a coincidence? I am too. You want to party out here or my room?”

“Your room first so I can give you my undivided attention. then we can bring the party to us, if you want.”

Wizard sent Doom a wink. “Give me an hour then come knocking.” With his hand still on Oasis’s ass, Wizard scrunched his hand on the back of her dress, giving Doom a bird’s-eye view of the tiny red thong she was wearing. What little material covered her pussy was the size of a postage stamp.

Doom expected to experience the same sign of arousal Wizard was sporting, but his cock felt a remarkable lack of interest. Had he fucking lost his mind? Oasis was a fucking thirst trap. There wasn’t a man in the club who wouldn’t give their eye teeth to be picked when Wizard would open his door, ready to share her.

“Surprised you’re not getting in line. Brother, she’s as good as she looks. Wizard’s expecting you to come knocking before he can get his boots off.”

“There’s no rush.” Doom’s eyes strayed to the side to catch Arden watching him. She looked away and responded to something Puck said before going into the kitchen.

“Afraid of the old lady?” Moon took a step forward to a chair next to him then recoiled back as if he had been electrocuted. “Brother…” Moon made a gagging noise, his hand going to his stomach. “You fucking reek. What in the fuck? You been dining on skunk?” Moon made more gagging noises. “No wonder Oasis wanted to go to Wizard’s room. She loves to put on a show…”