That’s all the news I have for now. Please write again soon. Your letters are the highlight of my week.




I commend you on the new community name. Much brainstorming much have gone into that ;-) Thank you for regaling me with news of your sister’s happy romance. I, of course, have been shipping those two for a while.

I can confirm that the dead rabbits are indeed a gift. Demon gargoyles are vegetarian but they know we eat meat so that’s why she’s offered the rabbits. Make sure she doesn’t see you disposing of them or she might take offence. Her name is Reeoyna, by the way. You can call out to her next time you see her flying by your house and she might land and sit with you for a while. They’re peaceful, non-violent creatures. They only attack if they need to defend themselves so there’s no danger in befriending her.

Marcel Girard passed away a few days ago. The guards say it was from old age and that he passed in his sleep. I’d been considering breaking the rules and finally getting to know the old man. Now that’s no longer an option and I’m struggling with feelings of guilt. Sven tells me to look on the bright side. At least not getting to know him means I now don’t have to mourn him. It is so quintessentially Sven to look on the bright side through a dark lens.

Tell me something happy.

All my love,


P.S. Happy Birthday. Did you get my gift?

Dear Vas,

Firstly, no need for sarcasm. There were a few ideas for the community name so we had to narrow it down. You can’t go wrong with an established classic.

Second, where exactly did you learn the term ‘shipping’?

And third, thank you for the birthday wishes. Grace, Rebecca, Ren and I went out to dinner. If by gift you mean the horny dream you channelled at me through the mark, then yes…it was received. And enjoyed. I don’t wish to discuss it further :-)

I wouldn’t dream of disposing of the rabbits in front of Reeoyna. She’s so magnificent. I would never want to offend her. I took the most recent rabbit and made a stew with it. I think she was pleased because she sat next to my house for an hour and chirped a strange gargoyle song. Then the other six gathered nearby and joined in with the chirping. It was bizarre but beautiful.

Poor Marcel. My parents always hated him but I’m sad to hear he’s passed. He saved my life. Remember when Lara tried to make me hang myself from that tree? If it weren’t for Marcel interrupting when he did…Hell, now I feel guilty, too.

Okay, something happy. Let me see. Ren has started seeing a man from Oreylia who he met while building one of the houses. He’s half demon, half human, and very handsome. I have my fingers crossed that things will work out. Angela, Sophia and Nic have all gone away to university so I miss them a lot. That’s not so happy, I guess.

Um, what else? Well, Peter has remained in Tribane at least. Instead of going to university he’s staying and being tutored by Rita in sorcery. He’s also opened up his own stall in the Market Below selling spell ingredients and bespoke recipes. I’ve visited a couple times and there’s always a long queue so business is good for him. We’ve managed to forge a tentative friendship. There’s a woman called Anya who runs the stall across from Peter’s and I think she might have a crush on him. I’m still trying to figure out if he likes her back but they have this great banter so I’m thinking maybe he does.

That’s all for now. Talk soon.




Sven and I spent a lot of time watching soap operas and reality TV during our hotel stays. I do believe that’s where I discovered the term ‘shipping.’

I know it’s irrational but the idea of you spending time with Peter makes me infuriatingly jealous, though it does soothe me somewhat that this Anya has drawn his attention. So long as he’s no longer pining after you.

All my love,


P.S. Sven has asked if Belinda’s ghost is still hanging about.

Dear Vas,

I find the image of you and Sven watching reality TV in a hotel bedroom HIGHLY entertaining. Did you snuggle? Were there snacks?

There’s no need for you to be jealous of Peter. I will always love him but not romantically. I love him as a person who means a lot to me. Does that make sense? I just want him to be happy.

It’s interesting that you should ask after Belinda. Something has transpired that none of us can explain. Not Rita, nor my mother or Roman. To answer Sven’s question, yes, she’s still hanging about but bizarrely, more and more people are starting to be able to see her. It’s like her ghost powers are becoming stronger and she can pick and choose who sees her. My mother theorises that the longer she spends on this plane, the more attached and solid her form becomes. I must confess that selfishly, I’m glad. I’m not ready to lose her. I never thought I’d say this but she’s become a friend, even if she can be a bitch at times.