As soon as that ‘however’ left her lips my stomach dropped. I squeezed Vas’ hand even tighter.

“The fact remains that they unlawfully escaped from their sentences in the Prison of Thorns, sentences for which they had committed grave crimes. Taking all these factors into consideration, it has been decided that the defendants will be returned to prison for a duration of one calendar year starting today. Upon their release they will serve a period of two years’ community service and five years’ probation.”

Tears filled my eyes, pain slicing through my heart. I knew a year wasn’t much in the grand scheme of things but I didn’t want to be parted from Vas. We’d made tentative steps moving toward a romantic relationship but so far we’d taken things incredibly slow. Now I was going to be separated from him for an entire year?

“Don’t cry,” he said, pulling me to him. “This is a good result. In a year I’ll be free. I won’t have to run. In a year Sven and I will finally be able to live our lives. After a century in the mine, this is nothing.”

“But…but I’m going to miss you. So much. I’m not sure I can take it.”

“Perhaps they’ll let us write to each other.”

“That’s not enough.”

He cupped my jaw, eyes flickering back and forth between mine like he was taking mental pictures before we were dragged apart. “It will have to be. You and I are strong. I told you we can weather any storm and this is merely a shower. Come, Darya, don’t be sad.” His hand slid down to flatten against my chest. “You have my mark. Whenever you feel it tingle know that I am thinking of you.”

I tried to wrangle my emotions. Vas was right. A year was nothing.

A few minutes later members of the Guard arrived to escort Vas and Sven away. My father approached Vas and they exchanged words. I wasn’t close enough to hear but Dad looked stern and serious while Vas nodded thoughtfully. In the end they shook hands and my dad stepped away. I hurried to Vas’ side. I didn’t even care that my family was there, I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him with everything I had. I tried to channel all my feelings and frustrations into that kiss.

I’d told him in words that I would miss him, but I wanted him to feel it, too.

A year. One year.

And then we would be together again.


Dear Vas,

How are you? You’ve only been gone a few days but I’ve been missing you since the moment they took you from the council chamber.

Today Roman made a short trip to Oreylia for me. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about Jalio and the miners. I needed to know what happened after we left the palace. Roman was able to ascertain that the dust has settled, so to speak. With the Dicteps dead, Jalio was able to establish control, and since the army was so badly diminished the demon population are acquiescing with the new order of things, though according to Roman there are still tensions, which is only to be expected, I guess.

I hate that so many people had to die for this but at least now change is happening. Treyu won’t be such a hellish place for halflings like us any longer. Roman promised he’d continue to visit and keep an eye on things. I know that my life is here now and the people living in the forest are my main priority but we led those miners to the palace and I can’t help being invested in their success.

That’s all I have to say for now.

Please write back and let me know how things are at the prison.



P.S. What exactly did my dad say to you after the hearing? It looked serious…


I miss you, too. More than words can express. I have to keep reminding myself that a year isn’t that long but right now it feels like an eternity.

As for your father, he said he expected me to prove myself worthy of you and I told him I had every intention of doing so. That you are my reason for everything now.

Thank you for sending news of Oreylia. It’s no longer my home but like you my heart is with the miners and their newfound freedom. Jalio will make a good leader. He is strong and he knows how to handle any High Demons who might try to take back control.

The prison is much as we left it. Sven and I have been keeping to ourselves and that’s what we plan to keep doing going forward. Invitations were sent out for Sarasin’s Midnight yesterday but thankfully I wasn’t bestowed the honour. I have no need to see my future now. I already know that it lies with you.