Jalio had been hurt badly this time. I could tell by the pained groan he let out.

“Darya,” Vas said then, distracting me from Jalio. “Your hands.” His blue eyes were wide and I glanced down. Magical power was fizzling out of me in hot, burning sparks. I lifted my hands, and instinctively I knew what to do. This was my mother’s defensive magic. She could create sparkling balls of fire to throw at those who meant her harm. I stood, moulding fire balls with my palms as I approached the High Priestess. She stared at my magic, unafraid. Oreylian demons were immune to fire. She had no cause to fear my power, but maybe…

I sent a ball of fiery sparks flying through the air at the priestess. It hit her and she wailed in pain as it sizzled into her skin. Her eyes rounded in shock. My magic was burning her! I couldn’t believe it. This magic I inherited from my mother could burn demons who were immune to all other forms of heat.


The priestess’s eyes filled with terror but before I could attack again she turned around, opened the door behind her and fled. I heard her locking it on the other side, but a lock was no use against what I had now. My magical strength, the one Vas said was hidden, had finally revealed itself. I’d inherited my mother’s power. It pulsed through me like a drug. I felt high on it, so powerful I could burn the world.

Well, I didn’t need to burn the world. I just needed to burn through this door.

“Your magic can burn demons,” Vas said in awe.

I turned to him, still stunned by the power I wielded. I had no words.

I shot a ball of magical fire at the door, burning a large hole through the centre. Vas appeared behind me and kicked the door in the rest of the way. I heard a feminine cry of fear then turned to see at least ten soldiers standing between us and the Dicteps. The High Priestess and his family were there, too. It appeared the Dicteps was polygamous since he seemed to have several wives, alongside numerous children of varying ages. Some were grown but others were only little. Suddenly, I was conflicted. I hadn’t come here to murder children.

The soldiers prepared to launch themselves at us but the Dicteps came forward, instructing them to stand down. His eyes were intent on Vas. Did he know who he was? Did the Dicteps recognise the grandson he’d left to rot in Red Armand’s mine?

Then, something strange happened. My body was frozen in place as the room turned dark. I couldn’t understand what was going on until I realised that everyone else was frozen, too. All apart from the Dicteps. He walked towards Vas, surveying him intently. I wanted to lash out, to defend Vas against this man but his demonic energy was too great. I now understood why he held the seat of power in Treyu. He was a demon who could control minds, influence at least forty people at once to remain still as statues.

“You are my Mira’s child,” the Dicteps said, his eyes dark orbs, such a deep brown they almost appeared black.

Like the rest of us, Vas was frozen. He couldn’t reply to the Dicteps’ statement but I saw the fire of hatred burning in his blue eyes. I was certain that same hatred burned within my own.

“She was my first born, you know. A pity she had to be such a disappointment. It seems you too are just as weak as she was, but what else could I expect from a half breed.”

His words created an inferno within me. I wanted to lash out. In my chest the mark pulsed powerfully, straining along with my new found magic to break the Dicteps’ mind control.

“This little rebellion you’ve staged is pathetic. I heard about your attempt to escape before. Armand easily recaptured you. Then you tried to murder him. Big mistake. He’s alive, you know? And this time he’s not merely intent on recapturing you. He wants to end your life.” He paused, tilting his head, a cruel gleam in his eyes. “Maybe I won’t give him that satisfaction. Maybe I’ll take it for myself.”

At this something snapped. My chest began to glow as my hands overflowed with burning sparks. Vas’ chest started to glow, too, and the Dicteps frowned. Whatever was happening, he clearly didn’t expect it. The connection between us strengthened and I felt Vas trying to break through the mind control just as much as I was. Finally, it cracked. The Dicteps’ face paled the second Vas managed to move. I launched a ball of sparks at the evil dictator’s head while Vas loudly recited an incantation. His hand shot out and the Dicteps’ hands went to his throat.