If they got there. I had to keep reminding myself there was no guarantee this plan would work. What if no one wanted to come back to Tribane? It was possible that they all might want to remain and fight for their city.

My head was buried deep in these thoughts while we waited for Vas and Sven to arrive. I remembered feeding from Vas that morning, his blood on my tongue, his eyes full of fierce possession. I was in danger of becoming obsessed, and I was already far too fixated on him.

I glanced at my watch, worried they might’ve changed their minds, but then a whisper of Vas’ familiar magic filled the air and they appeared. A slightly uncomfortable moment passed. These two were enemies to all of us once upon a time. But then, it was always possible to get past these things, wasn’t it?

My father and Mr Roe, for example, had once been mortal enemies, back in the days when Tribane was segregated and the vampires kept to one side of the city and everyone else kept to the other. In those days Mr Roe was a vampire slayer intent on my father’s demise. My uncle Gabriel, too, had been an enemy of my father’s, his estranged half-brother. They were taught to hate each other simply because of a few small, inconsequential differences.

So, yes, if such differences could be overcome, if people who once fought against each other could become a family, then I had hope that they would one day accept Vas and Sven, too.

Surprisingly, Rita was the one to step forward first, her focus intent on Vas.

“Brother,” she said, the ghost of a smile on her lips. “It’s good to see you again in slightly more auspicious circumstances.”

“I never consider success a sure thing,” he replied. “And neither should you.”

Well, at least he didn’t deny that he was her brother, and if they could forge some sort of relationship it would help in getting him pardoned. Rita was a long standing member of the Hawthorn Council. Her opinion and vote would hold huge sway.

Rita’s smile deepened ever so slightly. “No, probably wise not to.”

Vas’ attention went about the group, landing momentarily on Peter. He was aware that Peter was helping to open the portal but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a mild note of tension between them. With a bit of luck whatever animosity they felt towards each other would fade with time.

“Okay,” I said. “Now that everyone’s here we should probably get started.”

My mother, Rita, Belinda, Roman and Peter huddled together once more, the air tingling with the weight of their combined magic. They created a circle, holding hands as they began to chant in unison. The lull of their voices reverberated around the forest, mingling with the wind and rustling of leaves. For a second my nerves left me. There was something in their combined chant that created a calm within me. A steely resolve.

Next to me, Ren gasped when a hole appeared in the thick trunk of an ancient redwood. Treyu was within view. My eyes traced the now familiar skyline, the bright, glowing rivers of lava and the rooftops leading up to the opulent Opal Palace.

“After you go through, I’ll partially reopen the portal every ten minutes to check if you’ve returned,” Roman said. “Then, once you’ve arrived, we’ll open the larger portal which will allow the masses to enter the forest without harm.”

I took hold of Ren’s hand. Vas cast me a probing look as if to ask if I still wanted to do this. I gave him a stoic nod and then he and Sven stepped through the portal first. Ren and I followed and immediately the air changed. I no longer smelled the mossy, earthy scent of the forest. My nose was suddenly full of acrid sulphur and burning ash.

I turned around just in time to see the portal close behind us. A wobble of apprehension pecked at my confidence when I saw it disappear, but I knew it would open again. Roman wouldn’t let us down. And besides, keeping it open would drain everyone’s magic, and they were going to need as much juice as possible for what came next.

We were right outside the city, so it wouldn’t take hours of walking to get there this time. A few minutes later we entered the same district Ren and I had encountered when we first arrived all those weeks ago. Only now we were dressed in clothes that were more like what the locals wore. We learned our lesson the last time about standing out.

The four of us stayed close, keeping our heads down and doing our best to avoid notice. I thought it was working until we passed by a small dwelling and a side door opened. A hand snatched out, gripping Sven by his coat and dragging him inside. Then, a head emerged and my heart leapt.