He reached out and clasped my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine as he lifted my knuckles to his mouth and whispered his lips over them. My breath caught at the hot look in his eyes, heart thrumming with both nerves and anticipation. He paused then, eyes narrowing as he stared into the distance like he could see something I couldn’t. “I better go. Will you be okay to walk back to your car from here?”

“Sure, it’s not far.”

He took my hand again, turning it and pressing a kiss to the inside of my wrist. A swirl of desire had my stomach all in knots as he murmured, “Someone wants to talk to you.” Then, he disappeared.

What? I had no idea what he meant as I continued the walk back to my car. I was almost there when a figure appeared.


How had Vas known he was there? Had his magic sensed him? Then I remembered they were related, and magical blood could always sense the presence of family.

“Your mother said I might find you here,” Peter said when he reached me.

“You were looking for me?”

Peter nodded, his gaze searching. He didn’t speak for a long moment and we stood awkwardly facing each other. “Rita told me about your big plan,” he said finally.

I blinked. “She did?”

“I think it’s very brave of you.” A pause. “And I want to help.”

I was stunned speechless for a moment, then I managed to find my voice. “Peter, you don’t have to. It’s going to be dangerous and there’s no guarantee it’ll even work.”

“Yes, but if I help it’ll increase your chances. I’m powerful, Darya, and this portal you want to open is going to take as many witches and warlocks as possible.”

“Why though?” I whispered.

His expression was sincere. “Because I still care about you. I always will, and I believe in this cause. I believe in you. Just because our paths diverge doesn’t mean I don’t want you to succeed.”

Tears filled my eyes. Peter truly was and would always be one of the best, most selfless people I knew. If the roles were reversed I wasn’t sure I’d have the heart to offer help like he was doing. Unable to stop myself, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tight. His familiar, comforting scent surrounded me. I didn’t prolong the hug, because despite everything it still hurt to be around him. It pained me that the love we shared was severed, even if we might eventually reach a place of friendship.


The night before we were to journey to Oreylia arrived faster than expected. I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. I was a bag of nerves and restless energy, but I knew I needed to sleep. I needed to be well rested for the task that lay ahead.

I tossed and turned, and was about to go to my mother and ask that she put me to sleep with a spell when Vas appeared in my bedroom. He stood in shadow, his blue eyes almost glowing in the dark.

“What are you doing here?” I whispered, sitting up and holding the blanket to my chest. I wore only knickers and a loose T-shirt with no bra. Vas stood a good distance away over by the window but for some reason I felt like he could see right through the blanket.

“I sensed your restlessness through the mark. It’s keeping me awake,” he explained as he began to move toward my bed. He shoved off his shoes then reached for the black hoodie he wore, pulling it off over his head. Next he reached for his jeans and I practically jumped from the bed.

“Are you nuts?” I whisper shouted. “Stop undressing. My dad—"

“Both your parents are fast asleep in their room down the hall,” he whispered back. “If I sense them wake I’ll leave.” His hands smoothed down my arms before gripping my wrists. “Until then, let me hold you. You’re clearly too on edge to sleep alone.”

His hot gaze roved down my body before returning to my face, a question in his eyes.

“Fine,” I said, keeping my voice quiet. “You can stay.”

He smiled and something possessive shined in his eyes. I scurried back to my bed and climbed under the covers, turning my back to him. He lowered himself onto the bed then, his arms coming around my waist as he pulled my body into his. Already, I was more relaxed, the mark humming happily with him so close.

My T-shirt rode up as I settled into position and his hand came to rest against the sliver of bare skin at my stomach. His thumb moved back and forth in a rhythm that both soothed and aroused me. I closed my eyes, determined to ignore the arousal. After a while, it died down and I found myself drifting off to sleep.