“No, I…well, it did seem that way sometimes, especially when you teased me during those detention sessions, but I just thought that was your personality. You flirt with people.”

“When have you ever witnessed me flirt with someone other than you?” Grace challenged.

“Well, I suppose…never.”


“Grace, you must know it would never work. I’m thirty-one and you’re twenty. You’re my cousin.”

“Not by blood. And besides, what’s an eleven year age gap in our world? Nothing. Have you any idea how many years there are between my parents? Alvie might look older because he’s human, but Gabriel is more than a century his senior. And what about your own parents? Aunt Tegan is in her forties and your dad is what, four hundred and something?”

“I’m your teacher.”

“Not anymore.”

Moving over a few feet to get a better view, I watched, almost getting a crick in my neck as Grace turned to Rebecca, caging her against the railing. I was being such a little voyeur but I couldn’t resist. I was riveted.

My cousin was an inch or two taller than my sister, who had always been on the petite side. I could practically see the vampiric hunger come alive in Grace as she stared down at Rebecca, a possessive gleam glittering in her brown eyes. My sister reached out and pressed a hand flat to Grace’s sternum.

“What are you doing?” Rebecca asked breathily.

“Showing you what you’re missing out on,” Grace replied right before she kissed her. I put my hand over my mouth, stifling my gasp. On the inside, I was giddy that after all these years pining Grace was finally making her move, even if their situation was a little bit complicated. There was also Liberty to consider.

Rebecca seemed frozen in surprise by the kiss but then her hands came up and gripped Grace’s shoulders. She wasn’t exactly pushing her away and that meant there was hope. I knew it was a long shot but I’d personally be overjoyed if two of the people I treasured most were to fall in love.

Needing to put an end to my voyeurism I slipped back into the house and allowed them their privacy. Upon my return to the party I saw that my great-grandfather Roman had arrived. He shot me a curious smile and I wondered if he knew I’d gone to Oreylia. If he did he clearly hadn’t mentioned it to my parents because if they knew I’d be getting yelled at and grounded for the next several years.

I busied myself stuffing my face with the tiny fancy sandwiches Uncle Alvie had made. A few minutes later Grace and Rebecca appeared, though you’d never tell from their faces that they’d just been smooching out on the balcony. I wondered what else had transpired after I left but I had to stem my curiosity. It wasn’t my business.

Glancing around the room, I realised that if I was ever going to tell my parents about my plan to free the miners and spark a revolution in Treyu, now was the time. With all their friends present they couldn’t go too crazy at me, and besides, everyone whose help I needed to open a giant portal was there.

There was no time like the present and I felt like I might vomit I was so nervous.

Lifting a glass, I clinked it with a fork to garner everyone’s attention. So many pairs of eyes fell on me and I cleared my throat, forcing out the words, “Hi everyone. I have something to tell you all.”


By the time I was done speaking my lips were dry. Nobody said a word and I feared I’d made a terrible mistake by telling them. But if I wanted their help I had to tell them sooner or later. Then, my mother stepped forward and took my hand. “We need to have a talk in private,” she said then dragged me from the room and into the kitchen. I could hear the awkward silence that was left in our wake as my father followed us out, closing the door behind him.

Oh, no, I was in for it now.

“I cannot believe you went to Oreylia without informing us!” Mum yelled so loud I was certain everyone else in the house heard. Strike that, everyone in the neighbourhood probably heard her. A fizzle of magic sluiced over me and I stilled. She was thoroughly pissed off, so much so that she was leaking magic. Dad approached and placed his hands on her shoulders, staring into her eyes as though silently encouraging her to calm down. I watched as she took a deep breath then seemed to gather herself.

I swallowed thickly, making a concerted effort to hold my own and not get upset. “If you want to shout at me can we at least go home and do it? I don’t want to ruin Grace’s graduation party.”