Was there a way to help them achieve that?

What if we didn’t merely free the miners but also led them to march on the Opal Palace? There were thousands of them, and Red Armand’s mine wasn’t the only one in Treyu. If all those people were freed they’d have a fighting chance. They could outnumber whatever army the Dicteps would use to fight against them.

Visions of the battle filled my mind, strengthening my resolve. Even if creating a community in the forest for whoever decided to come here seemed like a pipe dream, the miners’ fight for freedom and equality in Treyu felt somehow bigger but far more possible. Treyu had been a bubbling pot of tension for who knew how many centuries. A revolution like the one I imagined was long overdue.

Standing, I began my walk back down the hill, my head still overflowing with ideas and plans. I’d parked my car at the outskirts of the forest, but it was a long trek to get back. I was passing under some trees when I sensed another presence. I paused mid-stride, listening intently, and heard leaves crunch under foot. I prepared to fight, worried I’d been followed by someone who meant me harm, but then Vas appeared and my tension fled. He was like a vision. I was unbelievably glad to see him but too self-conscious to let my happiness show.

“Finally decided to show your face,” I said, folding my arms as I took him in. He wore all black, his blond hair, blue eyes and dappled brown horns the only spots of colour. He was also stunningly handsome, but again, I wasn’t about to tell him that.

Vas arched an eyebrow. “Been worried about me, have you?”

I took a step closer, not giving him the satisfaction of answering the question. Instead, I asked my own, “Has there been any sign of Red Armand?”

He shook his head. “None, but we aren’t taking any chances. Sven and I are still on the move. I teleported here to check in with you.”

I turned and began walking again. Vas fell into step beside me. “Why are you here, by the way? Shouldn’t you be at St. Bastian’s?”

I heaved a sigh. “I flunked out, so now I have all the time in the world to walk in the forest.”

He frowned. “I’m sorry to hear that. I take it your time spent in the prison had an impact?”

I nodded. “It certainly didn’t help. I missed some important deadlines.”

A silence fell between us. I focused on my steps but felt Vas’ keen attention on my profile. “Don’t let me keep you. If you need to get back to Sven you should go, and you probably shouldn’t be here since you’re a wanted person and all.”

I was shocked when his palm slid down my arm before he grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. Our chests met. “Trying to get rid of me?”

“No, I’m just worried you might be seen.”

“I’m hardly going to be seen here,” he answered back, motioning around the empty forest.

“Still, you shouldn’t take any chances.” I suppressed a shiver when he brought his mouth to my ear.

“So, you haven’t missed me?”


“Because I’ve missed you. I’ve missed sleeping with you. I can’t stop thinking about that kiss.”

His statement had my stomach doing somersaults. I levelled him with a warning look. He was in far too flirtatious a mood. “That kiss was a distraction.”

“I agree,” he said, leaning in, his scent invading me. “It was incredibly distracting.” His eyes glowed and I was so caught up in them that I didn’t notice him backing me into a tree. My shoulders met the rough bark as his gaze wandered over me.

“In truth, I came because I thought you might need blood. It’s been three weeks since you fed from me and I take it Peter’s no longer your donor since you two parted ways.”

His words caused a sharp sting in my chest. My thoughts went to Peter. I wondered what he was doing right then. Was he studying for his final exams? Had some new girl caught his eye? Angela perhaps? She’d been spending so much time at his house taking care of his brothers. They said nothing was going on, and I believed them, but that didn’t mean something wouldn’t develop between them over time. It hurt to think of such things, because although several weeks had passed since our break-up and Peter deserved to move on, the thought of him finding comfort in the arms of another was painful to me.

Vas’ expression flattened. He looked displeased. “You still have feelings for him,” he stated.

“What business is that of yours?”

His gaze sharpened. “You know why it’s my business. I’m your future, as you are mine.”

I stared at him in challenge. “Currently I’m focused on the present.”