The High Priestess had a lit torch and she visited with each of her fellow Glorins, lighting one torch and then the next. Three priestesses at the back of the stage didn’t have torches, but instead held some kind of wind instruments. They blew into them, creating an eerie type of flute music that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

The other priestesses raised their torches in the air and began to perform an interpretive dance. Again, there was something strangely eerie about it all. The fire of their torches danced, too, creating a glowing light that moved around the gardens in an otherworldly rhythm. If I didn’t know any better I’d say there was magic involved, but I knew it was only a trick of the light.

“There he is,” Vas rumbled low and I looked in the direction he was staring.

Red Armand stood far away from us at the other end of the garden. He wore a black suit and his bright red hair stood in stark contrast to the sumptuous dark material. My breath caught, because after so much planning and thinking about this night, it had finally come.

My chance to kill him.

On instinct, my hand went to the fold just below my breast where I’d hidden the sepial dagger.

An attractive woman stood next to Red Armand, her arm linked through his. I also noted the presence of several demons I’d encountered overseeing workers in the mine. Among them was Yuri, the prick who’d knocked me out and stolen my earrings. I knew Vas had spotted him, too, because his eyes narrowed to slits. Again, I wondered if this was the demon who’d scarred him when he was a boy. Yuri didn’t look any older than forty, but like vampires, demons aged slowly. He could be centuries old for all I knew.

When the light display was ending, I whispered to Vas, “What’s our next move?”

“He’ll return to the ballroom with his date. When they’re dancing, you’ll approach and ask to cut in.”

“But what if recognises me?”

“He won’t. You’re masked, and besides, he’d never expect you to be here. For all he knows Sven and I are still labouring away in the Blaze and you are still in your home dimension.”

I swallowed thickly and nodded. I couldn’t balk at this task. I had to get close to Red Armand and this was the easiest way.

“Be sure to stab him low in the gut, preferably in the liver or kidneys. I’d say go for his heart but that will attract more attention. I’ll stay close and as soon as the job is done I’ll teleport us out.”

I linked my arm through Vas’ and we followed the others back into the ballroom. We were in the hallway where we’d first arrived when I suddenly felt a tingle at the back of my neck. I turned my head and found Yuri and two other demons who worked for Red Armand were right behind us. I squeezed Vas’ hand and made crazy eyes at him to make him aware of their presence. As soon as he saw Yuri his posture stiffened, but there was nothing we could do. We had to keep walking forward because if we tried changing direction it would appear suspicious.

I noted the presence of several important looking people at the top of the ballroom. All of them had greyish white hair and wore dark red attire.

“That’s the Dicteps and his family,” Vas said, his voice full of spite as he eyed them.

“Is the hair colour a, uh, family trait?” I questioned. Vas’ hair was dark blond, nowhere near the greyish white hue of the Dicteps. Perhaps it really was only a rumour that he was his grandfather.

Vas shook his head. “They dye it that colour. Just one of their ridiculous traditions. Only the ruling family are permitted to dye their hair that shade of white.”

“How odd,” I said as the music started back up and couples began to fill the dance floor. It was on the tip of my tongue to ask him about the rumour, but now wasn’t the time.

We had a demon to kill.

I searched the sea of heads, trying to pinpoint Red Armand. Sure enough, I spotted him with his date. He twirled her onto the dance floor like he hadn’t a care in the world, like so many people weren’t living in hell down in the mine because of him. Maya was dead. Demi was grieving. And countless others were suffering just to feed his empire. Well, not for much longer if I had anything to do with it.

Fury burned within me. My fingers itched to grab for the dagger.

“Easy,” Vas whispered, his lips brushing my ear. The intimate touch snapped me out of my murderous haze. “Anger will only make you sloppy. You need to be focused. Sharpen your senses. Be aware of everything and everyone around you.”