He studied me for a long moment, not saying anything. After a while he retreated to the other side of the tub. I realised that there was one part of the vision I hadn’t yet told him. I hadn’t told about us saying ‘I love you’ to one another. But that could wait. There had already been more than enough revelations.

Vas finished his wash, barely taking his eyes off me the whole time. I could tell he was still thrown for a loop after what I’d revealed. His mind was working to piece together this new story, the one where we were meant to end up together.

I tore my eyes from his and prepared to climb from the tub. It took me a moment to build the courage and while I was focusing on that a wave of hunger crashed over me. I’d been ignoring it for a day or two, but it was back with a vengeance. My attention went to Vas and he was still staring at me with that keen intensity.

I could hear his blood coursing through his system, my vampire senses homing in on his heart beats. Thump, thump, thump. The sound was almost deafening. The hunger wanted nothing more than for me to launch myself across the tub and bite him, but with both of us naked that wasn’t, uh, wise.

“Darya,” he said, his voice throaty. “Your fangs…”

I gasped, my hand going to my mouth in mortification. My fangs had descended. “Sorry,” I muttered, moving through the water and preparing to climb out. Vas’ hand darted forward, catching my wrist before I could leave.

“You’re hungry,” he said knowingly.

“It’ll go away. I just need a minute,” I replied but his hold on my wrist tightened.

“Feed from me now. You need your strength for tonight.”

I shook my head, my eyes pleading. “That’s not a good idea. You need to be strong, too, and I’m afraid I’ll take too much.”

He tilted his head. “Is that usually a problem?”

“No, but with you—” Before I could finish the sentence he yanked me to him. My senses were on high alert as my body moulded to his like it was meant to be there. My breasts mashed against his chest, my wet thighs slipping over his as I tried to steady myself. His hard cock brushed my belly and I yelped, scooting away a little.

Vas’ smirk was sinful. He leaned close to whisper, “Don’t yelp like that. You might frighten him.”

A nervous laugh escaped me and Vas chuckled, his eyes full of affection and heat. Also, judging by his thickness and the confident gleam in his eyes I highly doubted any part of him could be frightened by me.

His gaze shone darkly, his hand sliding along my lower back to pull me closer. “Take what you need, Darya.”

“Vas, I can’t.”

“You can.”

I searched his face. This entire situation was messed up. If I bit him, I’d lose complete control over my faculties. If I bit him…

He tilted his head back, presenting his neck to me, an irresistible invitation. I stared at the corded muscles, the thick vein pulsing with his heartbeat, and before I could summon the strength to stop myself, my mouth clamped down on him. My fangs pierced his skin. I was aware of his hands sliding lower, coming to rest on the small of my back. His touch was electric and I tingled all over.

I drank deeply, several long gulps, then forced myself to snap back. Blood trickled down my chin and I wiped it away. The blue of his irises sparkled as he watched me. Chest heaving, I stood, my naked body rising from the water. Vas didn’t look away, and I was too high on his blood to tell him to avert his gaze. I felt his eyes touch, slip and slide over every part of me as though in awe, but he didn’t breathe a word.

Climbing out, I walked across the room, my body dripping with water as I grabbed a large towel and wrapped it around myself. Even the fabric of the towels here was different. I tried to focus on that and not on how my heart was racing. How Vas’ eyes still followed me.

“Why are you looking at me?”

“You really saw all that?” he asked. “Our future?”

I nodded. “I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true.”

“It’s not hard to believe,” he said, his expression serious.

“Okay, well, um—” I scratched my head, not knowing what to say. There was a splash of water and then Vas was climbing from the tub. He walked across the room, completely nude, water dripping everywhere. I kept my eyes up top. Moments later he was in front of me, and I was still struggling to find words. “Must you stand so close?” I muttered, staring at his shoulder.