I nodded, taking the bag and sliding it into my back pocket. I’d dispose of it somewhere later. “Come on. Let’s get something to eat.”

When we reached the food stalls, Vas and Sven were there, their heads bent close as they spoke with one another in hushed tones. Ren was with Demi, and to my amazement he’d managed to get the girl to smile and laugh at whatever funny thing he was saying to her. I hadn’t seen her smile like that since we met her, but now she was giggling away like she hadn’t a care in the world. Trust Ren to be able to brighten her day, even in this awful place. Maya seemed choked up when she saw her little sister so cheerful.

“Go on,” I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll grab us some soup.”

Maya nodded and went to her sister, taking the little girl in her arms and hugging her tight. I caught Ren’s eyes and mouthed a silent, ‘thank you’ at him for taking care of Demi in Maya’s absence.

When I returned with the soup, Vas and Sven had joined them. I did my best not to make eye contact with Vas. There was too much tension between us. I could still taste his delicious blood as it coursed through my system. I’d only consumed a few drops and I felt ten times stronger than I had yesterday.

I sensed his eyes on me as I drank my soup but I didn’t look his way. Not long later it was time for us to head into the mine. I grabbed a hammer and got to work, using my extra strength to work off some of the frustration I felt. I shouldn’t be lusting after another man so soon after Peter, but then, it wasn’t like my attraction to Vas had just magically appeared when I came to Oreylia.

There’d always been something there, even back when he’d been masquerading as Nic. That night in Nic’s house, when I’d asked if I could touch his horns, then kissed him as a distraction, there’d been a deeply buried part of me that knew it wasn’t completely to distract him. That deep down part had wanted to kiss Vas. Was it sheer curiosity or something more?

I was so lost in thought that I didn’t notice how hard I was hammering until someone caught my arm, stopping the hammer mid-strike.

“Slow down. You’re hurting yourself.” Vas’ voice was a gravelly rumble in my ear.

“I’m fine,” I said, gritting my teeth because he was right. I was hurting myself, but I deserved it. How could I have the love of someone as good and kind as Peter and kiss Vas at the same time? I was trash. Utter, worthless trash.

I tore my arm from Vas’ grip and got back to work but he stopped me again, this time with a spell. I heard him whispering it under his breath and I growled in annoyance because I couldn’t move my arm.

“Drop the spell,” I grunted.

“I will when you promise to take it easy. This isn’t a good time to injure yourself.”

“I’m a dhampir, Vasilios,” I said, sounding out the syllables of his full name. “If I injure myself, I’ll heal.”

“I don’t care. I won’t watch you do this to yourself,” he shot back, holding firm on the spell. “I’m not a sadist.”

“Hey, maybe he has a point,” Ren cut in. “You do seem to be going at it a little too hard, babe. What did that poor worn out hammer ever do to you, eh?”

Ren’s light, humorous tone cut through the fog of my self-hate and my tension deflated. I also enjoyed the brief flash of a scowl on Vas’ face when Ren called me ‘babe.’ I met his gaze. “Fine. I’ll stop,” I promised and he stared me down for several beats before finally dropping the spell.

“Come here,” he ordered, no, growled at me, and I oddly found myself obeying. I took a few steps toward him, putting down the hammer as he took my hand and inspected it for damage. “Your palm is so raw you’ll have welts. Do you want to have a claw instead of a hand? Because that’s what all that reckless hammering will get you. You need to be more careful.”

“I’ll remind you, once more, I’m a dhampir,” I said and his eyes narrowed with a scowl.

“What’s going on here?” Someone asked and I stilled because I recognised the voice. It was the demon from yesterday, the one who killed that poor man. I instantly withdrew my hand from Vas’ and picked my hammer back up.

“Nothing,” Vas said. “My friend here hurt herself but she’s fine now.”

“Yes, I’m fine now,” I echoed.

The demon eyed us suspiciously for a moment, then said, “You’re not permitted to stop for any reason until the end of your shift. I don’t care how hurt you are.” He paused and glanced directly at Vas. “You of all people should know that.”