“I want to hurt him,” I fumed, trying hard to stifle the instinct.

“I know, but now’s not the time.”

Finally, I got a hold on my rage and Vas let me go. We got back to work and I pounded at the reylite, imagining it was that demon’s skull. I’d witnessed some barbarity in my time, but nothing as callous as what I’d just seen. Ren was pale as a ghost and Maya had done her best to shield Demi from seeing what happened.

“This is going to take more than just killing Red Armand,” I whispered to Vas. “The people here need to be freed.”

“I don’t disagree with you,” he responded just as quietly, “but that would require a revolution, and these people are too downtrodden and hopeless to fight against their captors.”

“What about Jalio? He seemed primed for a revolution when he spoke to you yesterday. Besides, these people might surprise you. All they need is someone to inspire them.”

“I do hope you don’t mean me,” he scoffed.

“Why not you? If anyone knows the suffering of this place, it’s you. And you are the one who managed to escape and lived to tell the tale. You can be their beacon of hope. You can give them something to strive for.”

“She has a point,” Sven put in and Vas cast him a dark look for agreeing with me.

“I’m no revolutionary. I’m too selfish for that,” he said, bringing his hammer down on the rock, his voice a low rumble.

“I don’t think you’re selfish at all,” I said in disagreement. “I think you just want to imagine you are so that you don’t have to take risks.”

He glanced at me then, something undefinable burning in his bright blue eyes. “Don’t presume to know me, Darya,” he said finally. “That would be a mistake.”

I didn’t respond because his coldness hurt. I knew he had every reason to keep me at a distance, but that didn’t mean I enjoyed him being so detached with me.

Later we were heading for the food stalls when I spotted Jalio and his men all huddled together. They were having a serious discussion but they spoke too low for me to hear what they were saying. All I caught was, “Something needs to be done.” And, “It can’t continue.” I wondered if they were talking about that poor man who was shoved into the hole today. If it had further fuelled their appetite for revolt.

Jalio lifted his head, his attention going to Maya as she passed with Demi at her side. He stepped away from his group and approached her. I worried my lip, glancing at Vas but he shook his head, warning me not to intervene.

Jalio tipped his imaginary cap to Maya and plastered on a smile. “Good evening, Miss. I don’t believe we’ve met.”

Maya eyed him cautiously, her gaze wandering over his tall, broad frame. “Um, hello, sir. And you’re correct, we’ve not met.”

“Well, allow me to introduce myself. The name is Jalio and it would be my pleasure to help you out if you should need any assistance.” At this he picked up her hand and placed a kiss on the top of it. Maya froze in shock, unable to comprehend that such a giant brute was being polite to her.

I glanced at Vas again and he suppressed a smile. We both seemed to be in agreement. The shapeshifting demon minotaur was smooth.

“I’m Maya and that’s very kind of you. Do you make the same offer to all the new people who come through here?”

“Not unless they’re as pretty and bewitching as you,” Jalio responded and Maya flushed bright red before clearing her throat.

“Well, that’s…uh, I’m sure there are people far more deserving of your help. My sister and I need to be going.”

At this Jalio stepped out of her way and Maya and Demi continued to the food stalls. Vas eyed Jalio with a cynical expression. “I thought I already told you she was under my protection.”

“True, but if she decides your protection isn’t good enough now she has another option,” Jalio responded cordially.

“Just go easy with her. She’s young and scared. She doesn’t need a beast like you lusting after her,” Vas said.

“I intend to be a gentleman. You have my word,” Jalio shot back and I frowned. I might’ve admired that he wanted to do something about the heinous way the demon watchers treated the miners, but I didn’t want him setting his sights on Maya.

“Relax,” Vas whispered. “I won’t allow him near her unless she okays it herself.”

“Have you seen the size of him? As if she’d have the courage to say no, especially in a place like this.”

“I will say no for her, if it comes to that,” Vas replied reassuringly, and something in my chest squeezed. I appreciated him protecting Maya for me.