Finally, I saw the face of Red Armand, his cruel, uncaring gaze surveying me like I was nothing. Like I was lesser than him simply because I was a dhampir. His stare didn’t waver, but then his eyes turned black and I startled.

I woke with a fright. My fraught dreams causing my pulse to race. I pressed a hand to my chest, vaguely aware that the heat had returned, along with the noisy clinking of hammers. I was sweaty and aching, having slept in a hard cocoon without enough space for comfort.

Vas still slept at my back, his deep breathing a reassurance. I slowly became aware of one heavy, muscled arm resting along my side, his hand flat against my stomach. A thrilling sensation skittered through me at the intimate placement of his hand. Some deep, hidden part of me wished for it to move lower, to slip between my thighs… I thought of Peter and instantly felt guilty for the reaction. I knew the mark heightened the attraction I might feel for Vas, but I was still conflicted about having any feelings for him at all when the mark was the whole reason Peter had broken up with me.

Vas’ hand moved, flexing against my stomach and I froze. He was awake. He seemed to pause for a moment, and I’d give anything to know what he was thinking. Then he withdrew his arm, the warmth and comforting weight of it leaving me.

I pretended to still be asleep, and he lay next to me for another minute before he spoke softly, “Darya, wake up.”

I stirred a little, feigning like I was waking up naturally. “Hmmm?”

“It’s almost time for our shift. Sven and I arranged to switch to shift two so that we can stick together.”

“Oh,” I said, my voice genuinely sleepy since my rest had been fitful. “That’s good.”

“If you’re hungry we can go get some food first,” he went on and I turned to face him, my body brushing against his as I did so. I tried my best to ignore how it made the mark fizzle with pleasure.

“Yes, I’m starving,” I replied, not meeting his eyes when I asked, “Did you sleep okay?”

He emitted a vibe, a certain heat I couldn’t tell if I was imagining.

“I slept fine,” he said, keeping his voice suspiciously blank. Had he felt the same fizzle of what? Attraction? Lust? That I had felt when I woke and realised his hand was on me.

“I don’t suppose there’s anywhere for us to wash or freshen up?” I said hopefully.

“Yes, we can go to one of the water fountains. I need to fill up my flask for us.”

“For us?” I raised an eyebrow.

He bristled. “Don’t mistake it for affection. I just don’t need the hassle of you keeling over from dehydration.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t dream of inconveniencing you so,” I replied, heavy on the sarcasm.

Vas narrowed his gaze but didn’t respond. We climbed down to the ground floor and I noticed Ren, Maya, Demi and Sven had already left their sleeping pods.

“Don’t worry. Sven will have brought them to get breakfast,” Vas explained.

I nodded and followed him to the water fountain he mentioned. There appeared to be several of them located about the mine.

There was a small queue and we got in line. I watched as the people ahead of us both washed themselves under the spout and drank from it. I didn’t blame them. The heat of the Blaze made you constantly thirsty, hot and sweaty.

“It seems that no matter where I end up lately the options to shower are non-existent,” I said, referring to our time in the Prison of Thorns, when the elves had prevented me from using the bathing facilities.

“What did you expect? An electric shower? A jacuzzi?”

“Okay, no need to make fun. Speaking of electric showers though, do you have electricity here?”

“Not as such. We have a less powerful version of it. Most people burn reylite to power their homes.”

“Really? Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Demons care nothing for the danger of fire, Darya,” he mocked. “If our world were to burn they would only thrive on it.”

“Right. They’re immune to heat,” I said, ignoring his condescending tone. “I almost forgot.”

The queue finally cleared and I hurried eagerly to the water fountain, cupping water with my hands and splashing it over my face, neck and arms. It was wonderfully cold and I savoured the ability to cleanse myself, even in this small way. I was so busy savouring, in fact, that I didn’t immediately notice how silent Vas was. I glanced in his direction, finding his eyes glued to the water that clung to my T-shirt, causing the fabric to turn almost translucent against my skin. He cleared his throat and turned away. “Hurry up. I need to fill the flask, and there are others waiting.” His order was brisk.