“It would be wise if you did give a fuck, my friend,” Vas said, then cast his eyes over the other men present. “It would be wise for you all to know she’s not to be touched.” I shivered at the possessive warning.

Vas brought his attention back to Jalio and the two stared one another down. My heart crept up into my throat.

Then Jalio unfolded his arms and laughed heartily, like this was all amusing banter. Vas chuckled too as they clasped hands like old friends.

“No need for that,” Jalio said. “Besides, you know I prefer brunettes. Speaking of, I saw Sven hurrying off with a cute little filly. What’s her name? Maybe I’ll pay a visit to her sleeping chamber.”

Anxiety fizzled inside me because he was talking about Maya. She was so diminutive I worried she wouldn’t be able to defend herself against this beast of a man if he decided to force himself on her. Then again, she was part vampire and that meant she had hidden strength, just as I did.

I sent Vas a pleading look. His arm around my waist tightened, his thumb brushing reassuringly against my hip. “The brunette is under my protection also,” he said, bringing his attention to Jalio once more.

Jalio’s eyebrows furrowed. “I never took you for selfish, Vasilios. Maybe I was wrong.”

“She’s but a girl, too young for the likes of you. There are plenty of women in this mine who’d be more than happy to warm your bed.”

Jalio rubbed his jaw, his expression dark. “Maybe you’re right.” He exhaled and some new tension entered his eyes, though I sensed it wasn’t due to Vas warning him off Maya. “Have you noticed Red Armand’s men have been throwing their weight around more than usual?”

“Not particularly,” Vas replied. “Though they’re always rough with me, especially since the escape. Why?”

“Gio beat one of the older females in my shift today in front of everyone. She hadn’t even done anything wrong. He just wanted to create fear. Something needs to be done about it.”

Vas eyed him shrewdly, then lowered his voice. “I hope you aren’t considering revolt. You know they kill anyone associated with those kind of whisperings.”

“We can’t just sit around and let them beat us down forever, Vasilios. You of all people know that,” he replied then shot the men behind him a signal to get moving. “We’ll talk more soon,” he said then slunk away into the darkness.

I inhaled sharply, feeling like I’d been holding my breath during that whole interaction. It didn’t help that Vas’ arm around my waist made my stomach flutter in a way I didn’t want to analyse too closely.

As soon as Jalio and his men were gone Vas unwound his arm from my waist. “Foolish man.”

“How so?” I asked.

“That look in his eyes? I know it well. It will only lead to disaster.”

“We wants to break his chains. Surely you can respect that.”

Vas got a faraway look in his eyes. “Sometimes I wonder if yearning for anything more than this is pointless.”

I touched his shoulder and his eyes found mine. “It’s not pointless. You can be free again. That’s why I’m here.”

Vas stared at me for so long my pores tightened. Finally he tore his eyes away, casting his gaze around the mine before he changed the subject. “Remember to keep your wits about you down here. Jalio and his men won’t touch you, not now that they know you’re with me, but there are others far more desperate who will snuff out the light in your eyes just to soothe the darkness inside their own.”

“Surely, they can’t all be that cruel? Most seem out of it on drugs.”

“Yes, those are usually the ones who were new and fresh once upon a time.”

“That’s bleak.”

“Bleak indeed. Come, we need to find Sven and the others. We also must discuss sleeping arrangements.”

“No need. We’ve all claimed sleeping chambers already. Maya and Demi are sharing, and I’m sharing with Ren. It’ll be a tight squeeze but—"

“Have you heard a word I just said? The four of you will be like sitting ducks sleeping on your own. There’s an empty chamber next to mine and Sven’s. The sisters can sleep together. Ren will have to double up with Sven,” he paused, eyeing me speculatively before finishing, “and you will stay with me.”

I stopped and shook my head. “No, me and Ren will share.”

“That’s not going to work. The young sisters will sleep in the middle chamber for protection. Sven and I will need to be in each of the outer chambers in case any opportunists decide to pounce. There’s also the problem of Sven and I being too large to comfortably share one chamber.”

I pursed my lips, unable to argue with his logic. I didn’t know the workings of this place at all and it would be safer to take his advice and share pods in the configuration he suggested. Still, the thought of spending hours tucked away in such a small space with Vas made me anxious. I doubted I’d be able to sleep.