His hand smoothed down my body before coming to rest on my stomach. I sighed as I relaxed into him. “How many times did you think of me in this bath while I was away?”

My cheeks pinked. “Too many, probably.”

“I thought of you, too. All the time. It was the only thing that kept me going in there.”

I ran my hand along his arm. “I’m just glad you’re here now and we can start our lives.” I let my head fall back into his sternum.

“I never expected this would be us,” Vas said, his hand moving up my stomach and coming to cup my breast. Tingles swirled in my belly.

“Me neither,” I whispered.

“I’m glad it is though.”

“Me, too.”

His hand drifted south once more and I whined. “You really do plan on making me sore.”

He chuckled and gently nipped my ear. “Absolutely.”

Much later, after we emerged from the bath and fell into bed, I lay in Vas’ arm, my body spent from so much love making. He’d feasted on every part of me, and I on him. I thought he was asleep, which was why I felt free enough to watch him. After all he’d been through there was a peace in my heart to see him sleep so soundly.

I loved this man, loved him in a way that knocked the wind out of me. In a way I never saw coming, even though I’d seen my own future and what it held.

“I love you,” I whispered, moving my fingers down the side of his jaw.

Vas startled me when he caught my wrist, his eyes bright pools of desire. “I love you, too,” he replied huskily then pulled me to him, rolling my body under his and taking my breath away with a mind melting, earth-shattering kiss.


When I woke the next day Vas was still asleep, his body strewn across mine. I loved the weight of him, his comforting warmth. After spending the last year in bed all alone it was heart-warming to finally be sharing it with him.

A breeze drifted across my chest. I noticed the window was open and suspected Carra had been in our room. She had a routine of going about the house opening windows in the mornings. She found it peaceful since she’d once lived underground in the mine where there was no fresh air. No birdsong or rustling leaves. No cool breeze caressing the back of your neck.

Now that Vas was here I’d have to have a word with her about coming into my room without warning. I was far too possessive of him to allow anyone else a glimpse of his naked body only partially covered by a sheet.

Piling my hair up in a knot, I walked to the window and peered out. It was a mild, sunny day. In the distance I spotted Reeoyna and the rest of the demon gargoyles flying together in a flock. Reeoyna visited me every few days and I’d learned the names of the others, too; Ion, Taro, Lillipo, Nala, Grigor and Koot. Four of them were male and three female. I’d become quite attached to them, my flock of benevolent protectors. I felt like they were happy in Yellowbranch, free to come and go as they pleased. They made a home for themselves in the trees where they slept at night and mostly roamed the skies during the day.

I was still watching them when strong, warm arms slipped around my waist from behind. Vas rested his chin on my shoulder as he took in the view from my window.

“You’ve grown fond of them,” he said.

How could I not? When I first laid eyes on Reeoyna I thought she was a terrifying beast. Now all I saw was her beauty and magnificence. “Yes,” I replied, turning to softly kiss his jaw.

“Hmm,” Vas murmured, turning his attention to my neck as he peppered kisses along my skin. I was still tender from last night and butterflies filled my stomach. I’d donned a T-shirt and some underwear but Vas was still completely naked and I could feel his erection pressing into my back.

“You might want to think about wearing something to bed from now on. Carra likes to go into every room and open the windows in the mornings.”

He stilled. “She came in here?”

“Uh huh. Probably caught an eyeful of your bare backside, too,” I said, amused yet unable to keep the possessiveness from my tone.

Vas chuckled low. “Feeling territorial, are we?” His hand pressed against my stomach. The mark vibrated as though in answer. It was true. I didn’t want anyone seeing Vas naked but me.

“I think it’s just the mark influencing me,” I replied quietly and he chuckled some more.

“Sure, sure. You’re a possessive little thing aren’t you?” he purred as his hand dipped lower, going between my legs and cupping me intimately. “If it’s any consolation I feel the same way. If Sven saw you naked I’d have to punch him and he’s my best friend who I’d die for.”