“Stop that,” I said quietly. Sven and Carra were talking in the back, so much to tell each other that they barely paid any attention to me and Vas.

“Stop what?” he asked, feigning ignorance as his hand moved further up my thigh. Why had I chosen to wear a short summer dress today? It granted him far too easy access, and after all our time apart and all our letters of longing, I was having a hard time holding it together.

I pursed my lips. “You know what.”

He had his hand all the way up my skirt. When his finger pressed into the now soaked fabric of my underwear I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning. I glanced at him a moment, his blue gaze bright and devilish, eye fucking the shit out of me.

Yes, this drive was going to be interesting.

After our year apart, it had been a long time since I had any kind of sexual contact and the thick lust he was channelling at me was both intoxicating and frustrating as hell.

I gasped when he leaned across the console, scraping his teeth along my earlobe before whispering, “Open your legs.” I pretended not to hear him, ignoring his command. He leaned closer, his voice a husky rumble. “I said, open your legs.”

That rumble weakened my resolve. I acquiesced and he tutted. “Wider.” I accommodated the request and his thumb slid past the fabric of my underwear, gliding across my clit. He let out a quiet gasp. “You’re wet.” His husky whisper was my undoing. Thank God the radio was on and Carra and Sven were too wrapped up in each other to notice what Vas was doing to me. He drew gentle circles over my clit and my head fell back against the headrest. Vas tutted again. “Eyes on the road, Darya.”

I felt my throat bob as I swallowed, trying to concentrate on the road. This was so fucking dangerous but I didn’t have it in me to tell him to stop, not when tidal waves of pleasure were shattering through me with every circle of my clit. I could feel my orgasm building, my sweaty hands white knuckling the steering wheel.

We stopped at some traffic lights, thank goodness. It gave me a moment to gather myself.

But then his mouth was at my ear, his tongue snaking across my earlobe and I came undone. The orgasm hit and it took everything I had not make a sound. My hands were so tight on the wheel I worried my dhampir strength might snap it in half. The lights turned green. I pressed my foot down on the accelerator and Vas scraped his teeth along the shell of my ear, his whispers a seductive caress. “Good girl. Very good. You’re going to be sore from coming by the time I’m done with you.”

I had no words. In the overhead mirror my cheeks were bright crimson. I couldn’t bring myself to glance at Carra and Sven to check if they noticed anything. Vas brought his thumb to his mouth, licking away my taste and my nipples beaded. A small sigh escaped me and he gave a dark chuckle.

For the rest of the drive, Vas practically beamed his satisfaction at me. He was pleased about making me come, the bloody exhibitionist. Damn this stupid summer dress. He’d never have been able to do that if I were wearing jeans.

We drove through Yellowbranch and Carra gave Vas and Sven a brief tour of the community, pointing out the prominent areas. I was glad she was feeling chatty because I was still having trouble finding my voice. When I finally pulled up to my house I wanted to take a long, cold shower. Though with Vas in such an intense, frisky mood he’d probably just try to join me.

“The house is beautiful,” Vas said, staring up at the two storey wood build as we exited the car.

“Thanks,” I replied, feeling a little shy. I hadn’t built the house just for me. I’d built it for us. It was the exact house I’d seen in Sarasin’s vision. The one I was certain Vas and I would build a life in. I finally brought myself to look his way. His eyes still burned with hunger. I felt like I was being hunted.

In a good way.

Leading them into the house, the delicious scent of the roast dinner Carra and I prepared hit my nose.

“Something smells good,” Sven said, immediately going to the kitchen in search of food.

Carra grabbed his hand and redirected him to the stairs. “No eating yet. Darya and I went to a lot of trouble and we’re all going to sit at the table and share a meal like civilised people. Besides, we have to show you to your rooms first.”

She guided him upstairs and Vas’ arms slid around my waist from behind. He buried his face in my neck and inhaled deeply. “You smell so fucking good. Which room is yours?”