“Hi,” I said when I finally reached him. He tilted his head, a faint hint of a smile edging his lips. There was something about his confidence that made me nervous. “You look so much better.”
He cast his eyes over me and I suppressed another shiver. “You look…”
“Darya! There you are,” someone called and I glanced over my shoulder to see Shura waving at me. She was one of the Oreylians who’d volunteered to become a Founder. We were laying the foundations of the community centre and it was all hands on deck.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” I called back.
“You’re in high demand,” Vas commented, a fond grin tugging at his lips.
“Building a community from the ground up is hard work and I’ve been getting my hands dirty.”
Vas rubbed his chin. “Need another pair?”
“You probably shouldn’t. You’re still recovering from the poison.”
“I’m not still recovering. I’m better. And I’d like to keep busy. It’ll be a good distraction from the upcoming hearing.”
My heart sank. I’d been trying to take my mind off that, too. My dad had made good on his promise to ask the Hawthorn Council to consider pardoning Vas and Sven. In a few more days they would stand in front of the council and hear their verdict. My stomach was in knots over the whole thing. It just didn’t feel possible that they would be pardoned, at least not without some hard conditions tacked on.
“Okay, you can help,” I said. “But take it easy.” I’m not sure I can handle you almost dying on me again. I didn’t voice that part.
Vas followed close behind me as I walked to the site. I felt his heat as he neared me, his mouth at my ear. “I was going to say you look beautiful, by the way. You always do.”
I flushed at the compliment as we reached the site. Lots of volunteers were already there waiting for me. It felt strange to lead like this, to be the one giving instructions. In the past I could never see myself as a leader, but this felt right. Natural, even. I could feel it in my bones that this was what I was meant for. By most standards our numbers were small, but I had ambitions to grow over time.
I gave a few orders and then we all got to work. I was hot and sweaty by the time we stopped for a break. My eyes traced the hard lines of Vas’ shoulders, the way his T-shirt clung to his abdominal muscles with perspiration, and my libido kicked up a notch. I was always attracted to him but something about seeing him work made the attraction almost unbearable.
We were still taking things slow, but the fact that he could very well be sent back to the Prison of Thorns in a few days’ time made me feel a little desperate. I wanted to be alone with him. I wanted to absorb as much of Vas as I could in case he was snatched away too soon.
After we grabbed a bite to eat I took his hand and led him further into the forest. We walked in quiet, far away from where the building was being done. Once we were deep in the woods and out of view I pushed him into a tree and crashed my mouth to his. I knew he wasn’t expecting it when a surprised breath left him. A second later his hands were in my hair as he groaned and kissed me back. Tingles encapsulated me when his tongue slid seductively along mine as he drank me in. I inhaled his scent, the pheromones in his sweat. He smelled so good to me.
A moment later he pulled away for air, his lips curving in a smile as his fingers dug gently into my skull, massaging. “You took me off guard.”
I arched an eyebrow. “In a good way?”
His look was devastating. “Of course in a good way.”
Emotion caught in my throat. I tried to swallow down the lump but it wouldn’t budge. “I’m going to miss you so much if they take you away from me.”
“Hey,” he murmured. “No matter what happens we can weather the storm. I believe in us.”
I searched his gaze, drawing strength from his determination. “I believe in us, too.”
We drew me into his arms, turning us to take in the view. I inhaled a deep breath and sank into him, absorbing his warmth, his solid strength. Whatever happened at the hearing, I was going to make the most of Vas while I had him.
A few days later I sat by Carra’s bed watching over her. I visited her room each day, hoping that she might wake up. When I finally found the courage to tell Vas and Sven the truth about her being in a coma they were mad as hell, but they eventually accepted that I hadn’t meant to harm her, and her current state was merely a result of my mother and Rita trying to heal injuries that were causing her immense pain.