The goblin blinked, taking in the masses that had suddenly infiltrated the normally barren land outside the city, then burrowed straight back under the ground. Clearly, he decided it better to wait this one out instead of making any more complaints about the noise.
Just as Red Armand gave the signal for the army to attack, I spotted something in the distance. Through it I could see a hazy image of Roman and my family. They were starting to open the portal. The only problem being there was an entire army in our way.
I looked to Ren, who was clearly terrified at the prospect of having to fight, but the army was already descending on us. Vas and Sven took up defensive positions in front of us as the miners advanced on the army, hammers at the ready as they prepared to do battle.
The demon gargoyles flew up into the air and began launching themselves at the soldiers, using their large beaks to snap at them. I watched as one plucked a soldier up, his entire head in its mouth, gave a shake then tossed the soldier’s lifeless body to the ground.
I’d armed myself with several weapons, but none were more powerful than the sepial dagger, especially since the soldiers would all be full blooded demons. I pulled it from the sheath just as a soldier came at me. They were all armed with the same strange projectile weapon Red Armand had wielded, but I was faster, plunging the dagger into his neck before he could fire at me.
Vas, who fought next to me, shot me an approving look then turned to fight off the next guy who came at him. To my left I saw Lorenzo fighting off a gang of miners who had him surrounded. They closed in on him and I turned away. I didn’t need to watch to know his death would be brutal. His desperate screams pierced the air.
Remembering the poor man he’d so carelessly shoved into the hole to die, I felt no sympathy.
I lost sight of Vas as I fought off four more soldiers. As soon as they spotted the magical sparks that could actually burn them, as well as the sepial dagger, they knew their time was up. Red Armand might’ve been able to procure an antidote in the luxurious, plentiful surroundings of the Opal Palace but there were no antidotes out here. One cut from my blade and they were doomed.
I was lost in the heart of the battle and couldn’t tell which side was winning. I worried it might be Red Armand and the Dicteps’ army, but then, something unprecedented happened. Tiny, razor sharp projectiles began shooting from the ground straight towards the other side. Hordes of soldiers were shot down, fatally wounded. I had no idea what was happening until I saw that the fire goblins had emerged from their holes, almost a hundred of them, and they were launching arrows at the soldiers.
A laugh sputtered out of me. The goblin I’d spoken to must’ve spread the word to the others, and miraculously they’d decided to fight with us. I even spotted the little guy I’d met when Ren and I first arrived. His aim was skilful as he launched an arrow at a soldier that pierced his neck. The soldier fell, clutching his bleeding throat.
Evidently, the fire goblins had no love for the demons who controlled all the power in the city because they were fighting on the side of the miners.
“What the hell?” Ren said, his voice full of amazement. He’d stuck close to me the entire battle, using defensive magic to keep the soldiers at bay. He’d obviously been practicing in the weeks since we’d been home because his magic didn’t fail him this time.
A soldier came out of nowhere, armed with a sword as he swung for my head. I barely had time to react when Ren’s hands shot out, knocking the sword from the soldier’s grip before blasting him with more magic. I blinked in shock, turning to my friend.
“You just saved my life,” I breathed.
“I knew I would,” Ren replied, his forehead sweaty from the fight. “Gran’s predictions always come to pass.”
I remembered what he’d said to me so many months ago, how his grandmother saw a vision of him by my side, that he’d one day save my life. I didn’t have too much time to marvel because Vas appeared, having seen what just happened. His breathing was laboured as he grabbed my shoulders and inspected my body for injuries. “I’m fine. I haven’t been hurt,” I said, trying to soothe the crazed, protective look in his eyes.
“I thought I’d lost you. Don’t leave me again,” he said, hands coming up to cup my face.
“Vas, relax, I told you I’m okay,” I said and he finally let me go.