“I know. You can take your time in responding.”
Holly pressed a finger to his lips. “This is really fast.”
He stared at her.
“I love you, Holly.”
“I love you and I know this is moving too fast, but I do, I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Also, I don’t expect you to answer right now.” He kissed her temple. “I know you’re feeling sick and I can wait.”
He grabbed a sponge from the side of the bath, filled it with water, and squeezed it tight, allowing the water to run down her face.
She released a gasp. “Are you kidding me?”
“Let me take care of you and you can tell me how you’re feeling once you’re well.”
Two Days Later
Mason wouldn’t be drawn into any kind of conversation with her, which she did find rather frustrating. When she tried to bring up his proposal, his love confession, and even his desire to have children with her, he would tell her to get well.
The first day was horrible. She kept vomiting and Mason held her hair as she did so, helping her to clean up. Once she covered the sheets in sweat, he was there to remove and change them for fresh sheets.
He was always there with soup, toast, tea, or water, even some soda. Mason didn’t leave her alone.
He called Evie at the library to let her know she wouldn’t be in for work. Even though he didn’t leave, he had one of his men gather her clothing. She wasn’t allowed to leave his bed.
She had to rest, which she did. When she couldn’t sleep, she thought about Mason and his impromptu everything.
In all the years she’d been married to William, he never once told her he loved her. It was probably true that he didn’t, seeing as he never once was faithful to her. Mason was nothing like him. She’d been sick throughout her marriage to William. He wouldn’t stick around.
Sitting up in bed on the second day, the bed was dry around her, she hadn’t sweat, and her stomach wasn’t turning. The bug was out of her system. In fact, she felt hungry for the first time in forty-eight hours. Wiping at her brow, she threw the covers off and made her way toward the bathroom.
Mason loved her. He was the one who said he loved her. And she knew he told the truth.
She held her hands beneath the cold water tap and splashed some water on her face. He wanted to get married and have children. Marriage was a commitment. They had known each other for a month. You’d known William for at least six months to a year before he proposed. Look how that turned out. Not once did he love you, or was faithful to you. He slept with other women.
She grabbed her toothbrush, cleaned her teeth, and then ran a brush through her hair. She wore one of Mason’s old shirts, as well as a pair of his shorts. Before she went on the hunt to find Mason, she quickly made the bed and then left the bedroom. There was no sick feeling anymore, which she was thankful for. Stepping out into the hallway, she walked toward the dining room, hearing his voice.
“I don’t give a fuck, I want them located and dealt with. Call me when you have them, preferably alive,” he said, hanging up.
Holly cleared her throat and Mason spun around.
“Morning,” she said.
“You’re up.”
“Yes, I am up and I’m moving around.”
He put his cell phone down on the table and closed the distance between them. “How are you feeling? Do you need any more dry toast? Tea?” He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back, and placed his other hand flat on her stomach.
Holly took hold of his hand and placed the strip of pills she had also picked up on her way out of his bedroom.
“Here you go,” she said.
“Yes,” she said. “I … I’m kind of scared. I don’t know what it’s going to be like to be married to you. The first time around, it really kind of sucked, but I want to marry you. I want to have your children and I do want to give this a chance. I love you, Mason Campbell, and I think that does scare me, not a little either, it scares me a lot.” She took a deep breath.
He pulled her in close and kissed her. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him in close, not wanting to let him go.
“Do you have any idea how much I love that?” he asked.
Holly chuckled.
“I want you to move in with me,” he said.
“Okay.” Her home held no sentimental value. “I’ll put my place on the market, but if you’re wanting kids, we will need to find a place with a garden for them to run around in. Also a place where I can order you to mow the lawn.”