She glanced down at her watch. “Forty-five minutes.”
“I’ll wait.”
He was taking her home and then she was going to show him exactly how she took care of her needs. Mason didn’t have a problem with her finding her orgasm, but he wanted to know exactly what she did to find it.
Holly squealed as Mason lifted her up over his shoulder and proceeded to carry her upstairs.
“Put me down. You’re going to drop me.”
He slapped her ass, which made her scream even louder. Mason was insistent on taking her home as well as feeding her. They stopped at a drive-thru, enjoyed some burgers, and then he’d driven her home. He parked outside, and once they were at the door, he shoved his shoulders into her hips, lifting her over his shoulder, opened her door, locked it, and now they were traveling the stairs.
“I think I’m going to be sick,” she said.
She wasn’t.
She wanted him to put her down.
Mason wasn’t fooled, though. He didn’t put her down once, and she growled at him.
“Not going to happen, sweetheart,” he said.
“If you drop me, you could kill me.”
“I better not drop you then.” He gave her ass another slap and she screamed.
“Then don’t do stupid things like that! If you’re going to carry me, do so with both hands.”
Another scream and she was tempted to bite his ass.
They made it upstairs and she knew they were close to her bedroom. The moment he put her on the bed, she released a sigh.
“Phew,” she said, flopping back.
Mason stepped between her thighs and she opened her eyes to smile up at him.
“Show me,” he said.
Lifting onto her arms, she tilted her head to the side. “Show you what?”
“Show me how you made yourself come while I wasn’t here,” he said.
“Are you upset that I didn’t wait for you?”
“Not upset,” he said. He removed his jacket and pulled his shirt over his head. She watched as he kicked off his sneakers, followed by his jeans. This time, he did wear a pair of boxer briefs, a plain black pair that rode low on his hips. “I want to see.”
She lifted her legs from either side of him and rolled over the bed, going toward her drawer.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
Holly looked up at him. “I thought you wanted to see.” She held up the dildo, a butt plug, and some lubricant. “Or is this too much for you?”
Delving into sex toys had been embarrassing to her at first. Once she started to have a lot of pleasure and explore her own body, finding her orgasm, she learned to ignore the embarrassment.
“It’s not too much for me.”
She saw the outline of his cock as it pressed against the front of his boxer briefs.
“I’ll be right back,” Holly said.
She had never put on a performance or showed anyone what she did while she was seeking her release.
Washing each item, apart from the lubricant, she glanced at her reflection. Her cheeks were bright red. Ignoring the nerves swirling in her stomach, she stripped out of her clothes. She saw a robe on the back of the bathroom door and reached for it.
“You can do this,” she said to herself, whispering the words so Mason wouldn’t hear.
With her cleaned sex toys, she stepped out of the bathroom and found Mason lying on the bed, watching the door.
“You took your time,” he said.
“Anticipation is key.” Putting the toys on the bed, she eased the robe off her body and climbed onto the bed. “Would you like to do the honors?” she asked, holding out the toys for him.
Mason shook his head. “No, I want to watch you. This is all you, Holly.”
She was nervous but aroused at the same time.
Picking up the butt plug, she applied a small amount of lubrication to the toy. She liked to build up, and tonight she just wanted to take it easy. She had never done this in front of anyone and she didn’t know how Mason would react.
Reaching behind her, she touched the plug, knowing where her anus was. She had put more lubrication on the butt plug than she needed, and that was to work some against her anus. She pushed the plug inside her, pushing out so that it would go past the tight ring of muscles that were pesky little things. A moan escaped her as she felt it slide inside her. It didn’t go too deep, not that she needed it to. She did have bigger plugs and even harder ones, but they were for another time.
Staring at Mason, she felt her nipples pucker, the tight buds hardening. Licking her lips, she reached for the dildo. There was no need to add lubrication to this one. She pressed it between the folds of her sex. Her clit was already so sensitive, which was a surprise as she’d already had an orgasm earlier. The one Mason had given her.