Mason smiled at him. “Pleasure to meet the man who finally put this fine woman on the market.” He shook William’s hand, tightening his grip on purpose.
“We need to talk,” William said, pulling his hand away and staring directly at his wife.
Mason knew. The law firm William worked for knew exactly who he was, and they were terrified of him. Good.
He didn’t like William, and not just because he’d been married to Holly first. He just didn’t like him. There wasn’t even a reason, unless he counted the fact he just had one of those faces that made him want to punch. William was the kind of guy who had everything handed to him on a plate. He’d met the sort before. He never had a truly hard day in his life.
“I’ve told you many times, William, there’s nothing for you and I to discuss. Please leave.” She went to close the door, but William put his hand against it.
“This is really important.”
“The woman said leave,” Mason said. He was done playing the nice guy and he was certainly done gloating. He didn’t like William and the sooner he was gone, the better.
William was no match for him as he pressed his palm flat against the door. “Go before I deal with this.” The threat was real. He would gladly knock this asshole on his ass.
He had a feeling William knew who he was and planned on telling Holly all about him. Mason wasn’t ready for Holly to know the truth. There was a story he’d wait until absolutely necessary to tell.
He closed the door, not meeting any resistance, and turned to look at Holly. She frowned at the door, and then spun on her heel and headed back toward the kitchen.
“Are you okay?” he asked, following her.
This was still unusual to him. He never followed women. They were the ones that normally followed him.
“Yeah, I’m fine. I just can’t believe him.”
“Has he been bothering you often?” Mason asked.
“He’s not bothering, just randomly showing up for no reason. I don’t know. He did used to live here and maybe I’m being too much of a bitch.”
“Not from where I stand. He wants you back.”
She rolled her eyes. “No, he doesn’t.”
“Trust me, I know what guys want and he wants you back. He probably realizes he made a big fucking mistake and is trying to figure out what he can do to win you back.”
“It’s not going to work.” She sighed. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
She had gone to her fridge and he noticed she pulled out a bottle of whiskey.
“I thought you were supposed to keep that at room temperature and just add ice,” he said.
Holly shrugged. “Wouldn’t you be watering it down?” She poured two glasses, handed him one, and then downed the contents of her own glass, wincing as she did. “It’s nasty.”
Mason couldn’t help but laugh as he watched her shudder, but then she poured herself a second glass.
William had been paying random visits to the house for the last couple of months. There was a short time immediately after the divorce when he didn’t say or do anything. They were over, simple as that.
His visits had gotten more frequent and Holly didn’t want them. She had fallen out of love with him a long time ago, and only stayed with him to try and make their marriage work. She couldn’t remember the exact moment she stopped loving him. Maybe around the first affair she kind of knew he was having, but was too scared to investigate. She hadn’t known at the time he’d been unfaithful throughout their marriage. The man didn’t have a monogamous bone in his body.
Pouring herself that second glass of whiskey felt good. She looked at Mason, who was still drinking from his first.
“You need to drink up if you want to keep up,” she said.
“Do you want me to have a word with him?” Mason asked.
She kept her gaze on Mason, tempted to take him up on his offer, but instead she shook her head.
“No, trust me, when he doesn’t get what he wants, he either throws a tantrum or he gets bored. I’m like the toy that told him no.” She shrugged. “He’ll get bored.”
“And you’re not even tempted to go back to him.”
She shook her head. “I don’t know if that makes me a bad woman or not.”
“Not from where I’m standing.”
Holly couldn’t help but chuckle. “True, but you want something, don’t you?”
“True,” he said.
She felt a tingle run all the way through her body, from the tip of her head down to her toes, spreading out toward her tits and between her thighs.
“I know his game and he won’t do anything to jeopardize his position at work. Work always came first.”
“The man’s an asshole.”
“He’s driven, and I think that might have been one of the things I loved about him. When we first started to date, he was amazing,” Holly said.