With each pulse of her pussy, it was like she was trying to suck his cum inside her. He hoped this one took. He wanted to knock her up. Make her his.
He was growing impatient with the wedding planning.
But first, before he did all of that, he knew he had to tell her the truth.
“Wow,” Holly said.
“Do you want go back dancing, or should we call it a night?” he asked, stroking the tips of his fingers down her back.
She sighed. “I think we should call it a night.”
Holly eased off him, and he cleaned up his cum that drizzled down her leg. He wanted to push his seed back inside her, but there was no way for him to do that in his office. Right now, he wanted to take her home. He eased her dress into place and tucked his cock back inside his pants.
Mason shoved the used tissue, folded up, into his pocket. He didn’t trust anyone, and he followed Holly out of his office. They snuck out the back entrance and he called for his driver to come and pick them up.
Something didn’t sit well with Mason. He felt that tingling feeling that something wasn’t quite right. Every time he felt that way in the past, he knew danger was close. He looked down the alleyway, then across the road.
Mason heard the car approaching, and as the lights shone down the street, it was when he saw the man coming at them. He was carrying a knife. He pulled Holly behind him and shoved his palm into the guy’s throat as he was close enough. The man choked, but flailed as he did, striking out at him.
The knife slashed across his arm, and he gritted his teeth. Taking the blade from the man was easy. He was aware of Holly there, but he knew his driver would take care of her. Drawing the blade up, he embedded it into the man’s throat.
Seconds later, more of his men arrived and took care of it. The man who had attacked them was dead. Mason checked his body, there was no blood on him. He nodded at his men; they knew what to do, and he stepped toward the car and climbed in the back.
“Are you okay?” Holly asked. “Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine, Holly.”
He cupped her face, staring into her eyes.
“Mason, that guy had a knife and it cut you. I know it did.” She reached for his arm and gasped. “You’re bleeding. We need to take you to the hospital.”
“I don’t do hospitals,” he said.
She tutted. “Then I’ll take care of you. Take us home, Jude,” she said.
“You know my driver’s name?” he asked.
“Of course I know his name. I’m not going to constantly be escorted by a man and not know his name.” She held onto his arm and frowned. “Does it hurt?”
“You don’t have to be brave for me.”
“It doesn’t hurt, Holly.”
No, what hurt was knowing he had to tell her the truth before he could make her his. If it hadn’t been for that fucker William, he wouldn’t have cared, but she had been lied to in the past. He couldn’t be one to lie to her as well.
They arrived at his apartment building. Holly thanked Jude again for driving them home, and she took charge, getting them onto the elevator.
“Baby, I’m fine.”
“Don’t tell me what you are or are not. I am going to take care of you whether you like it or not.” She held his arm and pulled him toward their penthouse suite.
Holly had yet to call it her home, but it was.
They stepped inside the apartment, and Holly wasn’t done; she took him straight toward the bathroom, finding his emergency first aid kit.
“I’m cutting you out of this shirt,” she said.
“I can take it off.”
“You’re not going to overexert yourself. Stop being Mr. Macho, okay? You don’t need to do that for me.”
“I’m not. It doesn’t hurt.”
“You’re telling me that being slashed with a knife doesn’t hurt?”
“I’ve had worse, believe me.”
Holly was silent and he watched her as she pulled out several antibacterial wipes, a few dressings, and some Band-Aids.
“How worse?” Holly asked.
“You don’t need to worry about it.”
“Mason Campbell, in a few weeks’ or months’ time, I am going to be marrying you. I’m not worrying about it, but I would like to know more about you.”
He let out a breath. “You know I was a foster kid, and let’s just say some of the parents, they didn’t like the kids. I was a young boy, I was probably an irritating asshole. I got the belt a few times. Sometimes fists.”
“They beat you up?”
“Yeah. I’ve had my share of cuts.”
Holly reached out and touched his chest, dancing across one of his many pieces of ink. “Is that why you got tattoos?”