I lift my gaze. “Why?” My hands are fisted at my sides.

He gently reaches for my right hand and lifts it to his lips. He kisses every knuckle of my loose fist. “Open your fingers, Little one.”

I frown. “Why?” I ask again. He doesn’t give me enough information. I have a million questions, and the list is growing.

He looks me in the eye. “I’m going to prick your finger with my quill. It will fully bind you to me forever. You won’t have so many doubts afterward.”

I have so many doubts now. It’s hard to comprehend his words. “Your quill?”

He nods. “It’s one of the main differences between humans and Eleadians. I have a tiny quill behind my front teeth. When I prick you with it, it will release some of my serum into you, which can have several uses. It will probably help you feel better for starters.”

I jerk my hand out of his grasp and lean back. “Not a chance. I don’t like needles.” I rub my face with one hand before yanking it down again. “Quill? That’s not possible.” My head is spinning. Maybe I’m drunker than I thought. Nausea creeps in again at the thought of being pricked with a needle.

“You’ll get used to it, Little one. Eventually, you’ll crave it.”

I gasp, eyes wide. Fear and panic consume me. “You plan to do it more than once?” I’m shaking my head, which makes me dizzy and exacerbates my growing headache.

He inhales slowly. “Often. Yes. Trust me. You won’t be sorry.”

I shake my head again, swaying slightly. “No. Not a chance. Never.”

He swallows. “It’s not really avoidable, Baby girl.”

“Why do you keep calling me that? I’m not a baby.”

“It’s a term of endearment, Kendra.”

I think he might be frustrated. Finally. I’ve certainly pushed his buttons. But he’s still calm at the same time. He slides one hand up and down my arm until he stops at my wrist. “I need you to trust me.” His gaze is intent. “I know it will take time for you to fully relax and believe in us, but I need you to trust me in the meantime. I’m a man of my word. I mean you no harm. Just the opposite. You’re my life. My entire universe.”

“How can you know that?” I murmur.

“It’s how I’m wired, Little one. I just know. I’ve known since I first laid eyes on you. I couldn’t be certain until I stepped into that bathroom downstairs, but at that moment, my suspicion was confirmed. You’re mine, Baby girl. And I really want to make you feel it too.”

“And sticking a needle in me will make me feel this weird attachment too?” It’s mindboggling.

“Yes.” He doesn’t hesitate. He’s certain.

I bite into my bottom lip. It would be nice to feel drawn to someone for once in my life. Who cares if he’s batshit crazy and it doesn’t even work? It’s just one prick. I can endure that on the off chance the promise of acceptance might be real.

He’s so patient as he lets me think, which endears me to him a bit more. Finally, I slowly lift my hand. “I’m scared,” I admit.

He clasps my fingers and brings them to his lips, kissing every pad. “I know you are, Baby girl. I would be worried if you weren’t, but I will be with you every moment, helping you understand and making sure you’re happy. I swear on my life.”

He means it. Even if he can’t follow through, he’s sincere. So I nod. “One prick.”

He holds my hand steady, flicks his tongue over the pad of my pointer finger, and draws it in between his lips. The prick is tiny and quick.

I suck in a breath. It didn’t hurt as badly as I expected, and I swear I feel different immediately. Surely I’m simply projecting. Right? No way did that tiny pierce from some strange needle in his mouth change my thinking.

I sway toward him though and grab his biceps. I’m breathing heavily. “I think I’d like that bath now.”

He cups the side of my face. “You’ll call me Papi, Little one.”

Papi… It has an odd ring to it. “Is that a nickname?” Weird nickname for Bialar.

He smiles and shakes his head. “No. It’s what Little girls call their mates on my planet.”

“Okay.” I sway toward him. It seems like my dress is irritating my skin. Is that from the alcohol? I’m fidgety. “Take my dress off, Papi.”

He looks relieved as he grabs the hem and lifts it over my head, leaving me in only my thong.

I close my eyes. “Don’t say anything. Please let me pretend you think I’m the sexiest woman alive.”

His hands come to my cheeks. “Look at me,” he commands.

I open my eyes tiny slits. For some reason, it’s hard to disobey him.

“You are indeed the sexiest female in the universe. I won’t be pretending. I will enjoy seeing your amazing body all the time for as long as I live.”