
He doesn’t have enough time to recover and kiss me back properly before I’m already pulling back, smiling like a deviant.

“I’m sorry I had to drag you into this. Don’t look over my shoulder, but there are two redheads watching us right now and their jaws are probably on the ground. Oh god, I wish I could see them.”

He looks despite my warning.

“They’re watching,” he confirms, amusement evident in his tone. I’m glad I didn’t offend him with my kiss.

“Good. Now, there’s a blonde nearby. She’s pretty and probably extremely nice. Do you want me to leave so you can talk to her again?”

His eyebrows furrow like he’s having a hard time keeping up with me. To be fair, this is the weirdest conversation I’ve ever had too.

“No,” he replies with a tone that sounds like he’s rising up to meet my challenge.

Good. I didn’t ruin her chances with him. I would have felt bad about that.

His gaze flits down to my lips and I wet them instinctively. Is that hunger lurking in his pale brown gaze or a trick of the low lighting?

“I have a dare I’m supposed to accomplish,” I go on, trying to fill him in as fast as possible before he calls security and has me banished from the building.

“A dare?” he asks with a raised brow.

I like that he doesn’t outright laugh at the absurdity of all this. He’s playing the game, following my lead.

“A triple dog dare.”

He hisses like we’ve found ourselves in extreme circumstances. “Let me get you a drink. I just ordered a bourbon neat. You want something?”

“That. I’ll take that.”

He turns to ask the bartender for another and passes me his in the meantime. When he slides the glass into my hand, sparks fly like we’re made of live wires. I’m surprised smoke doesn’t plume out of my ears. Of course it would be this way. What did I expect? I took one look at this man and knew he had the capacity to turn my world upside down if I let him. But I won’t. Tonight, I’m keeping my wits about me.

Right after this bourbon.

I down the drink in one go like it’s a shot, which it’s definitely not. I barely contain the urge to sputter and cough as it burns going down. Meanwhile, he’s watching, completely captivated. I wish. More like he’s trying to track my movements and guess my next move, protect himself from the brunette psycho.

I press the back of my hand to my lips and compose myself as best as possible. “Okay, are you still with me, or are you planning your escape?”

Another guest walks up to get to the bar, and Mr. Fuck Me Sideways politely moves me to the side with a possessive hand on my arm. Ooh la la. Assertive. I like that.

“I’m still with you. I think.” His forehead creases. “So was the dare just to kiss a stranger? Because you’ve accomplished that.”

“Not exactly.” I feel my face starting to flood with color. Thank god I’m tan. “I’m supposed to hook up with you.”

I do not miss the muscle in his jaw tightening at this news.

“But obviously that’s not going to happen,” I blurt out, sidling up closer to him, both to keep my next words from being overheard by the strangers nearby and because this way, it looks like things are heating up between us. I can barely contain my delight knowing Daphne and Sophia are probably losing their minds right now. “However…my friends don’t need to know that. Like right now, they think we’re having an intimate conversation. You’re looking down at me like I’ve really caught your interest.”

His mouth quirks with amusement. “Am I?” he taunts.

“Yes. Very good. You’re playing your part to a T.” I pretend to scrutinize him. “Have you done this before?”

His mouth finally spreads into a smile that has the power to take possession of my heart right here and now. Oh my…god. This guy. He’s going to make some lucky lady really happy one day.

“So what do you think? Are you willing to help a girl out?”

It wouldn’t be hard for him to back out now. It would be a seamless transition. He was a willing participant in my half-baked plan up until now. Any sane person would exit stage left, but not him. He throws back his bourbon the same way I did, quick and to the point. I watch his Adam’s apple bob as he drinks it down, and it’s like I’m watching porn. That’s how my body is reacting to something as simple as him swallowing. Lord help me.

Then, as if we’ve had this in the works for weeks, he drops our empty glasses on the bar, takes my hand, and starts leading me through the crowd. He’s suddenly a man on a mission, and my blood spikes with alarm.