“The girls cook for us a lot, and we usually raid their pantry. At this point they’re nice enough—”

“That’s right, and don’t you forget it!” Daphne cuts in.

Nick laughs. “…to keep our favorite snacks and beer on hand. In return, we’re on clean-up duty, and we make sure they don’t have to foot the bill.”

Sounds like a pretty nice setup to me. I make sure to be generous with my contribution, especially since I’m the new guy.

“Speaking of,” Sophia says, “what do you like to snack on, Grant?”

“Oh, whatever you have here is fine, I’m sure.”

The guys shake their heads, aware of how this is going to go down. “You might as well just tell her,” Nick says. “She’ll get it out of you eventually.”

Sophia nods. “It’s true. Favorite chips?”

“Barbecue,” I say, playing along.

“Nice, same here,” Nick says, giving me a high five.



“I swear that’s every guy’s favorite candy.” Daphne laughs.

“I prefer sour Skittles,” Dustin says.

“Nobody asked. Anyway, Grant, there’s a huge bag of Reese’s in the pantry, help yourself. Just don’t ruin your appetite before dinner.”

The mason jar makes its way around the room and then Daphne takes it, carrying it back to Dustin.

“It’ll be extra for you,” she says, jiggling the jar in front of him.

He looks offended. “I already put in a hundred bucks.”

“And? Sour Skittles are expensive.”

He holds her gaze as he reaches into his back pocket and withdraws his wallet again. He slides out another crisp Benjamin and stuffs it into the jar without so much as a blink.

She harrumphs and walks away, making a show of taking the hundred-dollar bill out of the jar and keeping it for herself.

Their situation feels like it might combust at any moment, but no one seems to think it’s anything out of the ordinary so it must just be the way they operate, strange as it may seem.

Josh goes to the fridge to grab a few beers. Sophia sets out two bowls of chips—barbecue included—and some cheese and nuts.

“The lasagna only needs another half hour or so. We’ll wait for Tate to get back before we eat. Her shift should be ending soon.”


Her name seems to shift something in the air. Time pauses. I’m aware of my pulse, feeling it in my gut as I wait and listen for someone else to ask the questions I’m wondering: does Tate usually join this group when they hang out? Does she live here too?

Josh failed to fill me in on that aspect, and I don’t get any answers now. Everyone’s already moved on from Sophia’s announcement. Nick grabs a fistful of chips while Dustin takes the TV remote so he can turn on ESPN. Josh asks Nick to pass him the plate with cheese and nuts and the conversation rolls on, but I’m in my own little world. At any innocuous sound, my gaze flies to the apartment door. I will the doorknob to turn. I’m impatient on the couch, jostling my knee as I force down quick sips of my beer.

Someone says my name. It’s Nick, asking me something about the game yesterday. I’m about to ask him to repeat his question when the front door opens and Tate strolls in wearing light blue scrubs. Her brown hair is tugged up into a high ponytail, and she’s sporting way less makeup than she was at the party. Still, she’s stunning. More so, somehow. She’s carrying a heavy bag on her shoulder filled with stuff she must need for work. A fleece jacket and an oversized water bottle poke out of the top.

“Tate!” everyone exclaims, happy to see her.

She smiles as she slips off her sneakers. “Hey, guys.”

So she was expecting us to be here. I wonder if she was expecting me.


That’s made perfectly clear once she looks up and her gaze locks with mine. Surprise is evident in her sharp intake of breath and her parted lips. The others probably don’t notice though, it’s so subtle.

I can’t look away from her. I can’t even blink.

“Tate, this is Grant, the new Pinstripes player we were talking about the other night.”

It’s Nick doing the introduction, Nick who thinks Tate and I don’t already know each other intimately. I’ve kissed her. I’m thinking about that kiss now as my gaze slips down to her mouth. She rolls her lips together and nods.

“Right.” She looks away even as she addresses me. “It’s…very nice to meet you, Grant. Seems you’re part of the group now.”

Josh clears his throat but otherwise stays quiet. Sophia and Daphne act completely oblivious.

So what happens next, exactly? Tate and I are going to pretend the other night never happened?

No. I won’t accept that.

Instead of playing coy on the couch, I push to stand so I can make my way over to her. I don’t miss the way her eyes go round with worry, the way her pulse jumps in her neck. The effect I have on her hasn’t worn off in the days we’ve been apart. If anything, it’s strengthened. Good…