My name slips from her lips in a hushed, desperate whisper as she clenches around my fingers. I continue to work her up as she starts to shake and tremble. Her back arches off the wall and her lips part as she gasps harshly.

It’s like I’ve taken a pickaxe and shattered her. Watching her come apart is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.

The bathroom is utterly silent as I rise to my feet. Her eyes open and she surveys me with an awed expression. I take it as a compliment. Then I check my watch and shake my head.

“Time to head back out there.”

A laugh bursts out of her like the idea is utterly absurd. “You can’t expect me to go out and join everyone now!”

I walk to the sink and turn on the water as I meet her expression in the mirror. “We have to.”

“I’m naked in this restaurant bathroom, Grant Navarro!” Then it’s like the realization really dawns on her. “Oh my god! I’m naked in this restaurant bathroom…”

I can’t keep from laughing as she suddenly leaps into action.

“You just completely hijacked my senses, by the way. I can’t believe I let you do that.”

“I’d do it again if we had time.”

She stops unfolding a linen hand towel and looks at me, her jaw dropped, mouth wide open. “Grant! You can’t keep on like this! I won’t be able to look you in the eyes the rest of the night!”

Over the course of the next few minutes, I help her get dressed and make sure she feels put together enough to join everyone again. She was smart to pack a dress that wouldn’t wrinkle in her hospital bag. Once she has it on and she’s touched up her makeup with some products she brought with her, you’d never suspect a thing. Well, except for every time she meets my eyes in the mirror and blushes bright red.

“Would you stop?!”

“I’m just watching you get ready.”

“Yes, well…it feels like a lot, okay. I’ve never done anything like that. I mean—wait.” Her eyes grow wide. “Have you?”

I shake my head. “Not at a restaurant…”


I come up behind her and drop a kiss to her bare shoulder, just beside her dress strap. I want to tell her the truth, that there were women before her but this feels markedly different. Scary in a good way, but also in a bad way. This fear is new and unfamiliar. The worry about how much I’ve already given her. The helplessness that comes with trusting another person with your heart.

She finds my hand and gives it a squeeze. I think we both understand the gravity of the situation we’ve found ourselves in, but there’s not time to discuss it now.

“C’mon, let’s go. Hand me your bag. We need to hurry or we’re going to miss the big surprise. You and Josh will both kill me if that happens.”

As luck would have it, we return to the banquet room just as the double doors are swept open. We rush over to the group and peer into the dining room as Sophia glances up from staring admiringly at her new engagement ring to find us all waiting for her.

Everyone throws their arms up. “SURPRISE!”

A beat later, Nick asks, “Did you say yes?”

Sophia freezes then looks at Josh. “What?! Are you kidding?!”

Her hands cover her mouth as she starts to cry.

Josh immediately looks horrified. “Oh god, did I do the wrong thing? I can send everyone home. Pappy, get your cane.”

I know he’d make good on the threat if Sophia wanted him to. That’s how much he loves her.

Sophia laughs and shakes her head, throwing her arms around his neck as she hugs him tight. “It’s perfect. It’s exactly what I wanted.”

There’s a collective sigh across the crowd. Even the other patrons in the restaurant are relieved to know the engagement went off without a hitch. No one wants their dinner with a side of heartbreak.

Josh tugs Sophia to her feet to lead her toward the banquet room. She takes in everyone he thought to invite, all the details he included: the flowers, the balloons, the decor. Meanwhile, she fires off a million questions.

“How’d you keep this such a secret?!”

“How long have you had this ring?”

“Oh my god! Is that my cousin Lucy?!”

Dustin catches my eye and laughs. I know we’re both thinking of Josh pacing at his apartment like a madman last night. All that worrying for nothing…

Then I hear a sniffle, and when I peer down, I realize Tate’s crying at my side. Tears trickle down her cheeks as she laughs and brushes them away. She looks up at me with wet eyes, her brows tugged together as she smiles. “It’s just so sweet. They love each other so much.”

It’s then, staring down at her, that I realize I’m a total goner. No better than Josh.