“Yeah…sure, we go down onto the field and stuff, but—” I’m scrambling here trying to come up with an excuse for why that would be a bad idea tonight. “Meeting the family on the first date is kind of a lot, right?”

He rubs his palm on his jeans like he’s started to sweat a little. “Sure, yeah, it’s too soon. Not to mention it would probably be a little intimidating to be face to face with athletes like these guys.”

Right, sometimes it’s hard to remember the celebrity effect the players have on other people. To me, they’re just my friends. I mean, I helped Nick buzz his hair last year, and to be silly, we paused at every phase along the way: bowl, mohawk, mullet, etc. We were laughing so hard by the time we got to Terry Bradshaw (aka bald crater up top) I peed my pants. One time Josh and I found an antique trunk sitting on a curb and he made me help him haul it five whole city blocks before someone chased us down, screaming at us about stealing their stuff. Dustin was once so drunk on our couch that he wouldn’t stop singing sea shanties. They never stopped coming. One would roll right into another, and short of being impressed that he had so many different ones memorized—like was he a pirate in a past life??—we all just wanted him to stop freaking singing. Daphne threatened to suffocate him with a pillow. I bet she regrets not taking the opportunity while she had it…

Michael looks away like he’s slightly embarrassed. “Forget I said anything.”

My poor pathetic heart can’t take it. I reach out and touch his shoulder. “Sure. Yes, let’s do it! We can go down there. My niece and my future sister-in-law are probably here. You can meet everyone. Just…don’t say I didn’t warn you.”



Since it’s a Saturday evening game, I know Chloe and Harper are both here to support Luke and the team. Sophia and Daphne would normally be here too, but they’re at an old friend’s birthday dinner. Thank god.

I purposely didn’t tell Chloe and Harper I was at the game because, well, I’m on a date. I was trying to preserve the moment and give this fledgling relationship time to breathe, but now we’re heading toward the dugout where all the Pinstripes families, friends, and special VIP guests are waiting to go down onto the field, and I regret not giving them a heads-up. There’s no telling how this is about to go. Harper, especially, has no filter.

Security guards create a blockade around the group of guests, and most of the time you’d have to present I.D. and some kind of proof that you’re allowed down past this point. I’ve seen players occasionally have to come up into the stands and personally retrieve people themselves when issues arise, but I nod to Mitch and Dan—two men who’ve worked security at the stadium for longer than I’ve been alive—and keep right on walking.

Michael chuckles behind me, sounding thoroughly awed. “This is the coolest thing ever.”

I smile over my shoulder. “Just wait until you step foot on the field.”

There’s nothing like it.

Among the crowd, Harper and Chloe are standing beside the low concrete wall near the dugout, chatting with two more burly security guards positioned near the locked gate temporarily holding us off the field.

“Tate!” Harper screams when she spots me, breaking free of Chloe to run up to get to me. She wraps her spindly arms so tightly around my waist I nearly tip forward, taking us both on a tumble down the stairs. Fortunately, Michael reaches out to hold me steady.

“I didn’t know you were here!” Harper steps back only far enough so she can look up at me with her big hazel eyes. She’s beaming from ear to ear. “How come you didn’t sit with us?”

“I was watching the game with my friend. Michael, this is my niece, Harper. Harper, this is my friend, Michael. We were sitting up there,” I explain.

Her nose scrunches as she follows the direction of my finger. “Why up there? You can’t see anything.”

Michael clears his throat, and I nearly die of mortification. “Be-cause sometimes it’s fun to see the games from a different vantage point. I liked it! Anyway, come on. Chloe’s waving us down. They’re about to let us onto the field. We can talk more down there.”

After every home game, security runs through the same protocols. They hold us off the field for fifteen to twenty minutes so there’s time for the opposing team to clear out after postgame interviews. Sometimes, if it was an especially intense game, it takes longer. In the meantime, friends and family are allowed to gather here. Once security deems it safe, we’re allowed in for a few minutes to hang out with the players and take pictures. Harper usually runs the bases with the other Pinstripes kiddos. It’s such a special thing not many people get to experience, and I’m happy Michael suggested coming down here. His eyes are wide with wonder as I continue to lead him down through the throng.