“You shouldn’t have told me that. I was really impressed. I thought you were like a secret coffee genius.”

“Really?” He grins. “Okay, forget everything I just said.”

The phone at the nurses’ station rings and I have to take it.

Michael rocks back on his heels, taking his exit. “Just think about it, yeah?”

I’m already reaching for the phone when I reply, “Yes! I will. Promise.”



We’ve played six days in a row. Our three-game series against the Giants rolled into another three-game series against the Phillies, and we’ve come away from both undefeated. There’s a lot of buzz surrounding how we’ve started our season. Everyone has something to say, fans, critics—opinions are a dime a dozen, but I know this team has what it takes to go all the way if we keep grinding.

Today’s an off day, but we met in the morning to review game footage and get in some batting practice. Tomorrow we head to Baltimore to take on the Orioles. It’ll be my first time traveling with the team, but it’s the same across most big franchises. Baseball teams travel by charter plane. We’re expected to be at the airport by 7 AM. We’ll touch down in Baltimore about an hour later, get settled in the hotel, then take a bus over to the stadium to prepare for our game.

Tonight though, I’m with the guys, and we’re heading to Sophia’s apartment. Josh told me it’s the group’s unofficial clubhouse, their home away from home. If they aren’t on the road or at the stadium, everyone hangs out at Sophia’s. I think he tried to temper my expectations by letting me know it’s not as big or as nice compared to where some of the guys live, but even still, it’s the best place to hang out. It’s central to everyone and, according to Josh, “It just feels like home. I don’t know, you’ll see.”

I understand what he means as soon as Sophia opens the door for us. Over her shoulder, I see all the feminine touches my own apartment lacks: good lighting, curtains, throw blankets, a candle burning on the kitchen counter, not to mention the smell of dinner baking in the oven.

“I hope you guys like lasagna,” Sophia says as she waves us through the door. “I got this recipe from Chloe.”

The guys respond enthusiastically to this, but I’m left in the dark.

Sophia takes pity on me. “Chloe is Luke’s fiancée. She’s Italian and the best chef I’ve ever met. Also, hi!” She goes in for a hug then steps back with a big, welcoming smile. “I can’t believe I’m finally meeting you! I’ve heard so many stories over the years!”

Oh god. Stories? From Josh? There’s no telling what she’s heard. “All good, I hope?”

She tips her hand back and forth like a seesaw. “Oh…about half and half,” she teases. “Anyway, come in, come in! This is my sister, Daphne.”

Another redhead, slightly younger than Sophia, pops her head around the corner. Thanks to Josh, I’m not surprised that I recognize them as Tate’s friends from the party. The ones who issued her that dare…

Daphne plays it like she has no idea who I am. “Grant, you said? Pleasure to meet you!”

Then she turns to the other guys, giving each of them a winning smile and a hug right up until she gets to Dustin. Once in front of him, her smile goes slack and her arms cross in front of her chest.

He was the first one in the apartment. He was rushing us along in the elevator, seemingly eager to get up here. Now, he stares at Daphne with a shrewd expression.

“You,” Daphne says. “What do you want?”

“Dinner,” he says with a sharp, dismissive tone. He sounds like a total asshole, not like the Dustin I know.

She rolls her eyes. “Fine… I guess you can have the paltry leftovers.”

She turns on her heels and I stare at Dustin with wide eyes, expecting him to be seething after that interaction, but he’s smiling. Happy, it seems.

“What the hell was that?” I ask Nick, leaning in so I’m not overheard.

He waves it off. “Oh, yeah, Daphne and Dustin hate each other. They fight like cats and dogs most of the time.”

Right. Good to know.

The guys take off their shoes in the foyer—well aware of the rules of the apartment, it seems—so I do the same. Sophia and Daphne have done the most they can with the small living room, cramming in a couch and two chairs. None of the furniture matches, but that somehow makes it all more endearing. The furniture looks to be thrifted and well loved, right along with the large patterned rug. There are tons of books and board games stacked precariously on a thin table beneath the mounted TV, a basket full of soft blankets, and an old black trunk they’ve converted into a coffee table. There’s an empty mason jar sitting on top of it that Josh grabs. I watch as he takes cash out of his wallet to shove inside before wordlessly handing it to Nick, who does the same. He notices my confusion.