“Five minutes, thank you very much.”

I clear my throat. They both look at me. “I need to talk to y’all.”

Dustin sets down the pastry bag. “Sure thing, Greer.”

“What’s up?” Hannah slides her hands out of the oven mitts and sets them on the counter.

My heart beats harder. I wasn’t expecting my employees to be so agreeable, both with me and with each other. It’s throwing me for an even bigger loop.

Am I going to put these good vibes to bed by asking Dustin and Hannah to pick up extra shifts?

They’ve said things are “improving” between them. What if I reverse the progress they’ve made by having them work over a much-needed weekend? I bet they need a date night, but if they work all day, they might be too tired to go out.

Closing my eyes, I will myself to stop.

Stop thinking about their needs, and start thinking about my own.

Still, my nerve wavers. What if they say no? What if they quit? What if they hate me?

I consider chucking the idea of going on vacation altogether. Part of me feels like an entitled princess anyway for not only taking a weekend off, but for going someplace like Blue Mountain Farm with someone like Brooks Huntley.

My stomach somersaults. Brooks. What was it he said? That one night off isn’t going to cure my burnout?

He’s not wrong. I just wish sticking up for myself wasn’t so difficult. Or horrifically awkward.

My face burns as I open my eyes.

“Um. Well. I’d love it if you’d, um, consider, possibly, maybe working next weekend? Like, I’m thinking, maybe, um, all weekend? Because I’d like to, you know, if it’s okay, I could really use a day off. Or really two days, but if that’s too—”


I need more than a single day. I need a full weekend.

“Monday is a bank holiday,” I hear myself saying, “so you’d have that day off because we’re closed. But, um. Yeah. I’d really appreciate it if y’all could pick up my shifts so I could get a break. I haven’t had a day off in, yeah, I think a year? Two years?”

Dustin and Hannah stare at me like I’ve grown a third eyeball on my forehead.

I cringe.

“I mean, as you know, we haven’t been in a great space mentally,” Dustin says.

Hannah crosses her arms. “Or emotionally.”

“I know,” I reply. “But I’ve given y’all every day off you’ve requested. Don’t you think it’s, um, only fair you, um, possibly do the same for me? I’d really, really appreciate it.”

She glances at Dustin. “What do you think?”

“What do you think?” he asks her.

I think y’all need to get over your entitled selves and help me out.

I’m literally shaking as I wait for their reply, fighting the urge to throw up my hands and tell them to forget it, I’ll just cancel my trip and pick up the shifts myself like I always do.

Or maybe I want to do that after reading what I did on Twitter this morning. Not gonna lie, my heart fell at the news that Brooks is dating someone else. It’s not like I had a chance in hell with him anyway. Caring as much as I do is pathetic.

Still. It’s a major bummer, knowing my longtime crush may have very well found his “one”. And of course that “one” is the total opposite of me: a star, a lawyer, and a total success story. Just like Brooks.

Maybe I should plan on finding someone new at the resort to swipe my V-card. I need to get Brooks off my mind once and for all.

Squaring my shoulders, I take another deep breath. In my head I hear Brooks’s voice, telling me to consider disappointing someone else for a change instead of letting myself down.

“I really need your help, guys,” I say.

Hannah searches my face for a long beat. “You all right, boss?”

“I’m fine, I’m just—yeah, I’m exhausted from working like a dog, and I could really use a break.”

Her expression softens. “Okay, then.”

“If she’s good with it, I’m good with it,” Dustin says, and turns back to his tray of muffins.

For a full beat, I just stand there.

Did that just happen?

Have my employees actually agreed to cover for me?

Am I actually going to Blue Mountain Farm with Brooks?

Holy shit oh my God holy shiiiiiit!

It’s all I can do not to break out in a jig. Instead, I give Hannah and Dustin high-fives on my way out to the register. “Thank y’all. Sincerely. I appreciate this so, so much.”

I feel like I could fly as I go through the day’s motions. Go figure, having the balls to not only figure out what I need but ask for it too pays off. I haven’t been punished. No one quit.

I still cringe at the idea of inconveniencing Dustin and Hannah. That’s never been my style, putting someone out. Putting myself first.