She’s not just tired. She’s completely burnt out.

But she still smiles at me, those eyes lighting up with the same interest I saw in them yesterday morning.

My skin does that thing where it feels too tight.

Way too damn tight.

I should back the fuck up. Get out of here.

Instead, I smile at her.

“Hey, you.” I crane my neck to peek behind the counter. “Where the hell are your employees?”

Greer uses the back of her wrist to push her bangs out of her eyes. “Someone called in sick. Hannah’s in the back manning the ovens. What would you like? The usual? Hannah should’ve just taken a dozen out of the oven just now.”

I usually only allow myself one triple chocolate muffin a week. But because today is, well, today, I’ll make an exception.

“Sure. Thank you.”

“Iced coffee to go?” She grabs an enormous porcelain mug from the counter and takes a sip. Her own coffee? When she puts it down, I’m able to see the liquid inside is light. Looks like she takes her coffee with a lot of cream and probably even more sugar if her sweet tooth is any indication.

I grin despite myself. “Like you even need to ask.”

Her smile deepens, making the dimple in her left cheek pop. I have to look away.

I look at the employee who emerges from a nearby door instead. This must be Hannah. She’s young and petite, with pink hair and a massive tattoo of a fairy on her left arm.

“Hey, Greer?” she says. “I hate to ask, but is there any way I can leave early? Dustin is spiraling and he wants to talk this afternoon.”

I watch a complicated tangle of emotions move across Greer’s pretty features. She blinks, swallowing, like she’s trying not to cry.

“I wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t an emergency,” Hannah continues. “I’m sorry, it’s just been . . . ugh, he swears he’s been faithful, and I want to believe him . . .”

My pulse thumps in my temples as I watch Greer paste on a smile. “Sure! No problem. Just—do you think—”

Ask for what you need, I silently beg her.

“Yeah?” Hannah asks.

Greer shakes her head. “Never mind.”

“Thank you!” Hannah gathers Greer in a tight hug, then disappears into the back.

Greer does that blinking and swallowing thing as she pokes at the iPad screen that doubles as her register.

I glance at George. He’s absorbed in his phone, thumbs flying.

“Can I help you?” I keep my voice low as I address Greer. “You seem overwhelmed.”

She shakes her head again. “Nope. All good.”

“You’re clearly not—”

“Aren’t you going to ask me what I want?” George interrupts, looking up from his phone.

It’s not the first time I’ve wanted to strangle my best friend. Probably won’t be the last. “Dude, read the room.”

Greer just smiles, turning around to fill a cup with ice. “No, dearest brother, I am not going to ask you what you want for breakfast. Not until you respond to my text about Mom’s birthday. I can’t make reservations until I know what your scoop is. You know all she wants is for us to be together.”

“Oh, shit, I’m sorry. I completely spaced on that.” George looks back down at his phone and scrolls through his texts. “Yeah, I’m free the thirteenth. I can do anytime. Maybe we Uber to Del Frisco’s?”

“Sounds good to me. I’ll let Mom know and make the reservation. You can Venmo me for the earrings we talked about for her. I went ahead and ordered them.” Greer grabs a straw and hands it to me along with my coffee. My littlest finger brushes her thumb, and a wave of warmth moves up my arm.

I take a huge step back, attempting to put as much distance between us as possible without it looking weird. I gotta get out of here.

No. First, I have to hire Greer some new employees. Second, I strangle George. Then I can go.

George’s phone starts to ring in his hand. “I have to take this, y’all. Greer, if you’re done being annoyed with me, I’ll take a coffee and some egg bites, please!”

He ducks out of the bakery, his face lighting up as he answers the call. If I had to guess, it’s a lady friend of his. Clients wouldn’t call this early.

I turn back to Greer to see her placing a little cardboard box stamped with Drury Lane’s logo on the counter between us. She puts her hands on the small of her back and yawns. “You got a minute?”

My heart does a backflip. “I do.”

She holds up a finger. “I’ll be right back.”

“Wait. Greer, are you sure you’re up for tonight? You seem to be juggling an awful lot—”

“Brooks, going skating with you tonight is the only thing that’s getting me through today. Don’t you dare cancel on me.”

“Okay. But don’t you dare do another thing—”