“Thank God,” he murmurs against my mouth. “Thank God, because I’m in love with you too, Greer.”

There’s a soaring sensation in my chest. I laugh.

I reach for his face and laugh. “Let’s go home. Celebrate there.”

“I like the sound of that.”

Chapter Twenty-Nine


I’m tearing Greer’s dress off before the door to my place closes behind us.

She makes this breathy little laughing sound as I tug it over her head. Toss it on the ground.

I cup her breasts in my hand. Her nipples are already hard, poking through the lacy fabric of her bra.

She guides my sweater up my stomach. I quickly take that off too. Pull her cute little panties off her hips.

My belt. Her bra. My jeans. Shoes.

All of it gets tossed on the floor.

Which, coincidentally, is where we end up too. I get on my knees on the rug in my living room and grab her hips, pulling her roughly against me. Against my mouth. Unable to wait another fucking second to have her.

I suck a nipple into my mouth. She moans. I suck harder, lapping at the hardened point with my tongue.

“I love you,” I say, and move to the other nipple.

She runs her hands through my hair, making goosebumps break out along my arms. “I love you too.”

I press a trail of kisses to her belly. Glide a hand down to her ass at the same moment I nose her slit. “I love you,” I repeat, and tongue her clit.

Greer’s body spasms. She folds over me at the hips, hands going to my shoulders. “I love you.”

My dick throbs. I lick Greer’s pussy one last time before I yank her down onto her knees in front of me. I take her hand and fist it around my dick.

Kissing her mouth, I spread her taste on her lips. “My turn,” I say. “I want my taste on your mouth. Lie down.”

Heat ignites in her eyes. But then she looks to the side, gaze catching on the windows that surround us on all sides. Bright afternoon light pours through them. It illuminates everything inside the room, including us.

“Someone could see,” she says. “The world can see us, Brooks.”

The need in my core spikes. I guide her onto her side on the rug. “So? Let them see.”

Let them see what love done right looks like.

She looks at me for a beat, still on my knees beside her, before flattening her palm against my chest. “I trust you,” she whispers.

I lean down and kiss her mouth again. “I trust you. Now do as I do.”

Her eyes follow me as I get on my side next to her. Only my head faces a different direction. I grab her knee and put it on my shoulder, opening her.

Understanding dawns in those brown eyes.

Without a word, I press my lips to her clit. She bites her lips, eyelids heavy. She fists my dick again and brings it to her lips. She kisses the tip.

Sucks the bead of precum there into her mouth.

My hips jerk, but Greer just smiles. “Sensitive today.”

“How could I not be? The woman I’m fucking crazy for told me she loves me.”

The look in her eyes softens, and so does everything inside my chest. “I love you. I love this.”

And then she opens her mouth and takes me—all of me—in a single, hard swallow.

“Jesus fuck,” I growl.

I suck on her clit. I curl my fingers around the rounded curve of her ass and feather them over the crease between her cheeks. Her pelvis rocks into my caress and mine rocks into hers.

The rhythm is slow. Effortless.

Sunlight coats our skin. Warms our blood. I dip my tongue inside her entrance, closing my eyes as I inhale her salty-sweet scent. My toes curl when Greer presses the flat of her tongue against my tip before swallowing again.

The need for release pounds between my legs. But I want to make this last.

I never want this to end. Me making love to Greer.

I want to do this forever.

Her tits press against my lower stomach with every inhale. I run my fingertips over her thighs. Her back. Her ass again.

I use my fingers to hold her slit open from behind. Widening her. Giving me more to taste.

That’s when her legs begin to shake. Do I stop and fuck her? Grab a condom and put myself inside her, let her come on my dick?

Or do we stay here? Save the fucking for later?

Greer’s hand is on the small of my back, pressing me deeper down her throat.

Yep. Staying here.

“Ready, love?” I manage. “I’m going to come and I—Christ, you’d better come too. You come too. Understand?”

She makes a sound of assent—a vibration—that sends a shockwave through my entire being.

I lick her pussy just how she likes.

She sucks my dick just how I like.

The rush comes and I surrender to it. Her pussy convulses at the same moment I release into her mouth.