“Because I know that’s what Greer wants. A committed relationship. Not some random hookup with a guy who’s going to destroy her.”

Swallowing, I ball my hands into fists. “I am not going to destroy her.”

“I don’t believe you.”

“Porg.” I step closer. “I’m aware of my shortcomings. My reputation. I’ve been afraid to let anyone get too close because. Well. You know why. But your sister—I can talk to her about things. She gets me to talk about Lizzie in a way no one else does. Everyone sidesteps around the subject, like they’re scared they’re going to detonate a landmine. They don’t give a shit, ultimately. Greer does. She’s got a big heart—”

“Exactly. That’s exactly why I don’t want you getting involved with her.”

There’s a tearing sensation inside my chest. Like my heart and lungs are being peeled away from the fascia that surrounds them.

Greer may trust me, but Porg doesn’t. I get it. I’m not sure I trust myself yet either. But I have no choice. I have to learn how. Prove to myself and to the world that I’m capable of caring for this girl.

“I’m in love with her, Porg.”

He looks as stunned by my confession as I am. Eyes wide. Mouth agape.

“I know that sounds crazy,” I continue. “I know it’s happening fast. But we’ve known each other forever. She’s been a good friend to me and I’ve been one to her. I’m . . . fuck.” I run a hand through my hair. “I’m wild about her. I literally can’t sleep without her. I may not be who you imagined Greer ending up with, but I promise I’m going to treat her with the respect and care and adoration she deserves. Let me fucking try, man. Have I ever let you down?”

George just keeps staring at me with that wide-eyed look. “You haven’t, no. But this is different. This . . . she’s my sister.”

“She’s also an adult. She’s young, yeah. But she’s smart. She makes good decisions.”

“She has until now,” George shoots back before sneezing again. “Shit, these allergies suck.”

“Go get your meds.”

“Sure. So you can, what, go back upstairs and do whatever the fuck with my sister? Were you ever going to tell me? Or were you just going to sneak around behind my back the whole time?”

I hold up my hands. “You’re pissed. I get it. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I’m sorry I went about this in an underhanded way. That was wrong, and I regret it. Greer and I have been talking about how we want to tell you. I promise, we’re trying to do things right. But it’s not just me here—this is her news to share too.”

“She’s in the wrong too. But she doesn’t know better, Brooks.”

“I do. I know. And I’m trying my best to make this right. Let me show you how good I am for her. I’ll do everything I can to make her happy. I’m begging you, give us a chance.”

He looks at me for a long beat. “What if I say no?”

Here it is. The moment of truth. Who am I going to choose—Porg or Greer?

Fuck him for putting a gun to my head.

I take a deep breath and bite my tongue. My friend’s not thinking clearly. I did just drop a huge bomb on him. I mean, really, I have a box of Plan B in my hand that his sister has to take because we had sex and the condom broke. The whole thing sucks for everyone.

“I need to get this medicine up to Greer.” I choose my words carefully. “Why don’t the three of us sit down this week and talk? Let’s see how she’s feeling and go from there.”

George’s hands are on his hips now. A muscle in his jaw jumps. “Fine.”



“I’m sorry.”

Another long beat. “This goes south, I don’t know you. Understand?”

Pressure builds behind my eyes. “It won’t go south.”

“Famous last words.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


We fall asleep spooning.

When I wake up the next morning, Brooks is still wrapped around me, holding me against him with an arm across my middle.

He sleeps naked. A fact I’m very much aware of right now because I’m naked too, my skin absorbing the heat that radiates from his body.

My nipples harden to tight points at the feel of Brooks’s bare thighs tucked underneath my own. His breathing is deep, rhythmic. It tickles the hair at the back of my neck.

I smile. He’s asleep. That’s a good sign. When he came home last night from getting the Plan B, he seemed keyed up. Upset, even. He said he was just worried about me, but I could tell something was up. I took my first pill and took him to bed with me, figuring we could both use a good snuggle. Thankfully, Brooks fell asleep pretty quickly.