“Can you put me down?” I whisper.

He reluctantly puts me down, but he keeps his arm under me so I don’t have to put any pressure on my swollen ankle. I immediately miss being cradled against his big warm chest and feeling the soothing beating of his heart.

“Come inside,” my mother says as she walks with us the rest of the way to the house. “You need a nap.”

“Actually,” I say as I smile up at Colin. “I’m going to Colin’s house. He’s making me dinner. Right, Colin?”

Colin nods with a happy grin. “I’m making her favorite. Lasagna.”

Awww. He remembered.

“I’ll call Aiden and Julian on the satellite phone,” Noah says before heading to his truck. “They’re both out there looking too.”

My mouth drops open. I feel so bad. “I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble…”

Colin smiles as he picks me up again. I guess he wants me back in his arms as much as I want to be in them. “It’s no trouble at all, Molly. They were driving me crazy at the office anyway. They needed a good hike.”

I smile as I rest my cheek on his big hard chest, feeling like everything is just perfect. I can still feel my pussy glowing from our little secret and I can’t wait to feel him inside me again. It was over so fast. I want to go slower and take our time. I want to do everything in every position with this big sexy mountain man.

Colin puts me in the front seat of his truck and then opens the back door for Charlie to hop in. The poor dog is so tired that Colin has to help him up. I smile as I watch him collapse on the backseat.

My mother comes rushing over. “When are you going to be back?” she asks through the open window.


“Soon,” I say.

“After dinner?”

“More like after dinner tomorrow,” I say, trying to hide my grin. “Or the next night…”

“So, you two are back together?”

Colin opens the driver’s side door and climbs into the truck.

I smile as he starts the engine and I feel the rumbling vibrations through the seat.

“We’re back together,” I say as I reach over and take his hand. “And this time, it’s for good.”

He smiles at me, puts the truck into drive, and we drive out of there to be alone once more…

…with Charlie of course.

Chapter Seven


“Why is your remote control broken?” I ask when I see it in pieces in front of the fireplace.

“Oh…” Colin says with his cheeks getting red. “I, uh, dropped it. You must feel all sticky from the day. Can I run you a bath?”

“A bath sounds amazing.”

He disappears down the hallway to run it and I take a look around his living room as Charlie settles on the rug. I smile when I see a picture of us on the fireplace mantel. We’re fourteen years old at the fair. I remember that day perfectly. Colin bought me cotton candy and won me a yellow teddy bear when he hit the strength tester so hard with the rubber hammer that the entire thing lit up. Even at fourteen years old, he was stronger than most men.

We look so happy. So carefree. I’m looking at him like he’s the most captivating person on the planet, but to me, he’s always been that.

I keep moving down the mantel. There’s a picture of his grandfather who raised him and then another one of us at prom. It’s a selfie at the end of the night. The sun is coming up and we’re no longer looking polished and perfect like we were at the beginning. My hair is a mess and I have his big jacket on. Colin’s tie is off and his shirt is unbuttoned and wrinkly. We look a little tired, more than a little tipsy, but I can see how happy I was just to be by his side.

“The bath is running,” he says as he walks back in. “Should be a minute.”

“You kept our pictures up?”

He shrugs like he’s embarrassed. “I didn’t have the heart to take them down.”

I smile as I spot a photo of us sitting by a river. We’re about eleven years old. I don’t remember the exact day, but there were so many days like that—the two of us hanging out and enjoying the natural wonders of the Greene Mountains.

“I think it’s sweet,” I say as I turn back to him. “That you never lost hope for us.”

I make my way over to him with a lustful look. In my head, I planned to strut over to him all seductively sexy, but my ankle is swollen like a grapefruit, so I’m half-limping, half-waddling over. I get a zero on ten for sexiness, but it does the trick because he meets me halfway and scoops me up into those big comforting arms.