“What about Marcus?” Mama asked.

“I told you, we’re not serious. We’re…something, but he knows I’m leaving, and I doubt it would go anywhere if I wasn’t. He’s got his shit together. Eventually he’d get annoyed with me.”

“Kai Lewis, don’t you talk about my son that way. You’re smart and beautiful and perfect, and if he doesn’t see that, it’s on him, but the way that man in there was watching you? He’s not getting tired of a damn thing, and he never will.”

If only the world could see me the way my mama did. My heart stumbled at the thought of Marcus doing so.

“Even if that’s true, it doesn’t fix everything. I’m paying him to rent a room—less than I should for what I have—and he’s only taking the money because I insisted. I work for his best friend. I can’t afford a new car or my own apartment. I’m not a real catch. Marcus deserves someone who doesn’t have to mooch off him.”

“So you’re just going to leave? Drop everything and move across the country where you have no real friends or family to take an opportunity that sounds too good to be true?”

“It’s Archer. You remember him. He moved a few years back. He’s doing well in Atlanta.”

She crossed her arms. “I don’t like or trust that boy.”

“Okay, but I need you to trust me.”

Mama sighed, a tear spilling from her eye before she wiped it away. “You’re already too far away. I can’t imagine having you across the country. How will I survive it?”

“Pfft. Do you know you? You’re the strongest person I know. And I’ll visit all the time. You’re my family, and that’s not going to change.” She nodded, and I pulled her into a hug. “I love you. I’m doing this because you raised me to be strong and to want to stand on my own. That’s what I’m trying to learn how to do.”

“I love you too.” I held her for a moment while she cried, but it was Mama who pulled away first, swiping at her tears. “How long?”

“I’m thinking about a month now.” That’s what Archer said, but he hadn’t given an exact date. He’d been busy getting it all set up lately, so he didn’t have as much time to talk.

“You’ll be great! Managing a bar on your own is big.”

And just like that, she had my back, the way parents were supposed to. “Thank you. Part of why I brought Marcus today is because he doesn’t have this. His family isn’t close the way we are, so thanks for accepting him and making him feel at home. I know it sounds weird, but I wondered if we could find a way for you to keep doing it? Get his number and just reach out sometimes?” My heart twitched uncomfortably, though I couldn’t put my finger on why.

Mama’s expression softened, and she smiled. “Oh, Kai. You love him.”

I shrugged. I didn’t know if I did or not, but I something-ed him.

When I didn’t speak, she added, “It’s going to be hard for you to leave him—harder than leaving us.”

“That doesn’t mean I don’t have to. I don’t even know if Marcus would want more from me, but if he did, he would do everything he could to take care of me.” Marcus enjoyed it, that much was clear, and in some ways, it would work for both of us. I couldn’t pretend I didn’t like him doing some of the things he did, but I didn’t want him to have to. When it came to money, I didn’t want to depend on Marcus at all. There was a difference between us enjoying playing roles and having to live by them.

“I’m proud of you, Kai. Always.” She pulled me down and kissed my forehead just as there was a noise behind us. We turned around as Marcus opened the door.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just wanted to see if there’s anything I can do to help?”

No, he wanted to make sure I didn’t need him. A sharp stab pierced my gut. Oh God. My mom was right. How in the hell had I let myself fall in love with Marcus? And how was I ever going to leave him?

I grabbed his wrist and tugged him to me, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. “Everything is okay,” I said softly before pressing my lips to his.

Mama mumbled a soft, “It’s not serious,” behind us before she asked, “How about you help us get these pies out and cut, and then the three of us will go and tell the rest of the family Kai’s good news?”

That’s exactly what we did, her on one side of me, Marcus on the other.

Chapter Twenty-Three


Kai’s mom had texted me twice since we’d been at their house the week before. She’d asked for my number before we left. I had a feeling Kai had something to do with it. While that should have made me feel…I didn’t know—frustrated? Like shit? Needy?—it just made me appreciate him more. The man had fucked with my head, and I wasn’t sure how to handle it.