But I also knew Kai needed this, not just because he wanted me to be around his family, but because he had to tell them about Atlanta, and I would have his back if I was there.

“It’s not a thing, Marcus. I don’t think it means something it doesn’t or—”

“Yes,” I said simply.

“Excuse me? Yes?”

“Don’t make a big deal about it.”

He shoved to his feet, naked, his cock soft and hanging between his legs, and he punched his hands in the air like he was cheering. “He said yes!” Kai shouted.

“Oh God. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. It sounds like you proposed.”

“Shit. No. Ew,” he replied. I grinned, my chest weirdly fluttery and light when I grabbed him and pulled him to my lap. Kai straddled me, resting his arms on my shoulders. “Thank you for liking me…for not thinking I’m too much.”

Maybe that was what I needed—someone other people thought of that way. Corbin was my best friend, and he’d heard similar things, but when I looked at Corb, I didn’t feel the things that twisted up my chest when I looked at Kai. “Fuck any-damn-body who makes you feel like you’re too much. I like the way you are.”

I slid my hands up and down his back, one grabbing his ass, the other holding the back of his head, his mouth close to mine. Kai tried to kiss me, but I didn’t let him. “Patience, baby boy.” My cock was throbbing, and his was now pointing out of the water, having grown stiff too. “You gonna be good for me tonight? Listen to everything I say? Because that’s the only way to get what you want.”

“Emotions made you feel out of control, so you need to get that back?” he asked against my mouth, and damn him for being right.

“This would be a whole lot easier if you didn’t call me on my shit.”

Kai smiled. “But then I wouldn’t be me.” He tried to kiss me again, but I didn’t let him. “God, you jerk. Yes. I’ll be good and do what you want.”

“Then you can kiss me.”

“Thank fuck.” Kai lashed his tongue against my lips, then swept it inside. I let him lead for a moment before I took over, pushing mine into his mouth while pulling his body closer against me.

My finger teased his crack, working closer and closer to his hole. When Kai whimpered against my lips, I pulled back. When he leaned in for another kiss, I shook my head. “That was just a taste. I know you’re hungry for it, but you’re gonna have to wait.”

“Argh! Fuck you!” Kai said, pouting.

“Someone went through all the trouble to get me a telescope, so I want to look at the stars with them.”


I quirked a brow at him. “Yeah, now you’re okay with it. Up.”

“Yep. You’re definitely in Bossy Marcus mode.”

“Baby boy, even when I don’t show it, I’m in Bossy Marcus mode.”

“So fucking hot.” Kai smirked and climbed off me. We grabbed towels, dried off, and I got us each a robe. Kai’s was new, but I didn’t tell him that, didn’t say I’d bought it in case he was ever in my room and used the hot tub.

“I was better at this when I was a kid. Let’s see if I can still find the constellations.”

“Aww, you were a nerd.”

“I was a badass motherfucker and still am.”

“I know you are, baby.” He patted my arm as if placating me.

“I’m not playin’.”

Kai laughed. “Wow. You’re taking this very seriously. You were a badass motherfucker. I know.”

I grinned because goddamn, he could make me do that like no one else could.

He’d said the telescope wasn’t expensive, but still I worried about the cost. Kai was planning a move, and I knew money was tight for him. As much as I wanted to, I didn’t let myself ask if I could reimburse him. I didn’t want to insult him or look like I didn’t appreciate what he’d done for me because I did, more than I could ever express. This night meant something to me in a way nothing ever had before.

It was blurry when I looked through the eyepiece. I worked on adjusting it until the white spots dancing against the midnight sky were clear and sharp.

“Is it working okay?” Kai asked.

“Yeah, you wanna see? Then I’ll look for constellations.”

He nodded, so I stepped aside. I watched Kai as he stared at the sky as if he was doing something special. It was fucked up, this constant need I felt to look at him or be around him. I’d never thought I couldn’t feel this; I just didn’t want to let myself, but it seemed I didn’t have a choice with him. It would end because most relationships—did I even call this a relationship?—most of them did. Our lives were going in different directions, which was completely normal, but as I rubbed a hand over my left pec, I realized it would hurt.