The hard part was, I did like to flirt—without leading the other person on, so I winked and said, “Not available. You can look but don’t touch.”

“Fuuuuck,” he responded with a good-natured smile. “You would have been fun.”

“Yes, I would have. Now, what can I get you to drink?”

He ordered, and then I took his friends’ requests too. He gave me his credit card, asked for a tab, and I went back to the bar. I stumbled, almost tripping when I looked up and saw Marcus there. He was at the end of the counter, nursing a drink and looking fine as always. Heat pooled in my gut, then shot up my spine, telling me yes, I’d been right. There was no one other than Marcus I wanted right now.

“Fancy seeing you here,” I said, making my way behind the counter. “Did you come to see me?”

“Nah, just wanted a drink.”

“Aw, you missed me. Don’t worry. I missed you too, baby.” I began mixing the alcohol.

“Who’s the guy?” Marcus motioned behind him, where my flirt was.

“Why? Jealous?”

“I don’t get jealous.”

Yeah, right. Maybe not in the I-love-you way, but Marcus wasn’t one to share. “Now my feelings are hurt. I wanted you to tell me no one else can have me. That while I’m here, I’m yours.” I leaned over the counter. He had his elbow resting on it, glass in his hand. “But even though you don’t care if I took him in the bathroom, I told him he can look but not touch.” Then I licked his finger before biting it, making Marcus almost drop his glass. He fisted it, pinning me with a dark stare filled with lust.

“You’re playing with fire,” he warned.

“You told me that before, but I have yet to get burned… Could be fun, no?” I smiled, grabbed the drinks, and walked away. One quick glance over my shoulder showed that Marcus had turned on his stool and was watching. I gave an extra shake to my hips as I went.

“Looks like I’m not the only one watching,” the flirt said as soon as I handed him a glass. “He the reason you can’t play?”

It was on the tip of my tongue to say no. I wasn’t really the kind of guy to get told what I could do that way, to get put on lockdown without it at least being something we discussed, but still I said, “Yeah.”

“He gonna kick my ass?”

“Not as long as you’re good.”

Once I was finished there, I continued to the next group. I didn’t have to turn to feel Marcus’s intense stare. People flirted with me, and I flirted back because that was just what you did in a career like this—at least when you were single, and though Marcus and I were fucking, I wasn’t silly enough to think we were in a relationship.

It wasn’t until I was on my way back to the bar that I remembered Declan wasn’t working tonight, so…Marcus really had come here to see me. My heart did a strange flip-flop that raised a couple of red flags, which I promptly ignored.

“Half the men in this bar right now want you,” Marcus said when I approached.

“Only half?” I frowned, and he chuckled.

I started toward the bar so I could make more drinks, but he grabbed my wrist, holding me in place. It wasn’t tight. If I wanted free, all I had to do was pull back, but this was Marcus, so I definitely didn’t want out of his hold.

“It’s hot knowing they want you but can’t have you.” He brushed his thumb over the throbbing pulse in my wrist. My breathing picked up. Somehow he’d changed the tables on me really fucking quickly. When I’d bit him earlier, I’d had the upper hand, but it belonged to Marcus now, and he pressed his advantage. “That you want my dick so bad, you’ll tell all these other fools you’re taken because you’re mine until you go.”

If we weren’t in a busy bar and I wasn’t at work, there was no doubt in my mind that I would’ve dropped to my knees right then. But I was also an ornery little shit, so I said, “Only if that means you belong to me too until I leave.” Wow. That had come out much more confident than I felt at the moment.

“Yeah, but I don’t have a trail of admirers everywhere I go.”

Holy shit. I hadn’t expected him to agree to it, but then it wasn’t as if we were making promises, just agreeing to exclusively sleep with each other until I moved across the country. “Have you seen you? Everyone wants you.”

Marcus shrugged like he didn’t care, then pulled me between his legs, and I let him. He ran his hands up and down my back, admitting, “I like having something they want.”