“Thanks.” I curtsied.

Declan’s face morphed from amusement to concern, which basically meant fuck my life. “I don’t know what to say. Marcus is my family, and you’re important to me. I don’t want anyone to get hurt. I know you say you don’t want anything serious, but what if you do and Marcus can’t give you that? On the flip side, Marcus is different with you, so what if you’re his Bastian and turn his whole fucking world upside down, only you’re young and not ready to settle down—oh, and moving—and Marcus gets hurt?”

Sebastian wrapped his arms around Declan from behind. “Wow, swoon. I love you.”

I had to admit, it made my heart go pitter-patter. I couldn’t imagine ever feeling for someone the way Sebastian and Declan did for each other…the way my parents did, or my siblings with their spouses. I didn’t figure anyone would want to put up with me that long. I cleared my throat. “It’s just sex, Declan.”

“Yeah, well, Bastian and I were just sex too, and look what happened.”

“We’re not you two, and as you pointed out, I’m moving.”

He sighed, then ran a hand through his dark-blond hair. “Marcus has the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever known, but he keeps it behind the thickest wall he can build. I think people sometimes forget or don’t realize how much Marcus loves. The ones who hide it the most are the ones who can get hurt more than most people see.”

I had no doubt that while Declan was talking about Marcus, he was also speaking from personal experience. My hunch was confirmed when Sebastian kissed his neck in support.

“You think I could hurt Marcus? No offense, but you must have picked up some good stuff at the dispensary because someone like him would never fall for someone like me.”

Sebastian frowned, and Declan’s brows pulled together. “Marcus would be lucky to have someone like you, Kai, just like you would be to have him. Don’t put yourself down.”

Wow. Declan was being all sorts of open tonight. “Okay, sure, in theory, but it’s not going to happen.”

“Coming at this from another angle, then, we can focus on those big, thick walls I mentioned.”

“We’re getting off-track here. I just wanted your opinion on trying to hook up with him again, or if I should be waiting until he comes to me.” Marcus was…extremely out of my league, and I wasn’t dumb enough to think otherwise. Sex was totally different from all the stuff Declan was talking about.

“I think you’re strong and independent. You’re going to do what you want and what you think is best regardless of what I say—and I’m not telling you that’s a bad thing.”

I watched him for a moment, unsure how to take what he said, then decided to lighten the mood. “You’re no help at all, Declan. Maybe I should message The Vers.”

Declan barked out a laugh. “Go home, Kai. I’ll finish up here.”

“You two are going to have sex here, aren’t you?” I teased.

He smiled and shook his head. “Go home.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice.”

I made it all the way to the door before Declan said, “Hey, Kai?”


“Marcus took you to his room when you hooked up?”

I nodded. “Why?”

“Just curious.”

I shrugged and headed out, still debating what I was going to do.

When I got home, I was surprised to find Marcus awake and looking at the fish tank. Considering it was almost three in the morning, I didn’t usually run into him after work.

“I think Blue is sick.”

My heart dropped. “What? Are you serious?” I raced over to the tank to see my blue tang floating close to the bottom, hiding toward the back.

“I checked the water. All your levels are perfect. The temperature is right; the salt levels are on target.” I was obsessive about my tank and checked everything twice a week. I’d done it myself two days ago, and everything was good then as well. “I looked it up and saw you’re feeding them high-quality frozen food.”

It was cute how Marcus was doing this kind of research, but I kept that to myself. “They’re unusual fish in general. They can act a little goofy, but…Blue’s color looks slightly off. I should go get another tank in the morning. If Blue’s sick, we don’t want to risk the other fish.”

I watched Blue roll over on his side before floating upright again. That wasn’t necessarily cause for alarm because blue tangs were weird, but together with the color being off…something wasn’t right.

We both watched the tank for a few minutes, quietly. My stomach was twisted up with worry, and I was relieved he got it; most people wouldn’t understand. “I know it seems stupid to be so worried about a fish, but…taking care of them feels good. I can be a little wild, but they always soothe me. I feel like I let Blue down if they’re sick.” I tried to use they for my fish.