I went in the back door, which I had a key for. Pop music beat through the walls, muffled but still loud. I smiled because I knew it wasn’t Declan’s thing, but he also understood his target demographic and what they listened to.

Declan was behind the bar, making a drink. We weren’t too crazy-busy yet, but it wouldn’t be too long before the space got crowded.

“Hey, handsome,” I said to Dec, leaning against the bar. He wore a white Driftwood tee that stretched across his chest, similar to how mine was, though I’d cut half of mine off and made it a crop.


I’d been calling him handsome since not long after I started working here. He and Sebastian both knew it was all in fun. I liked to flirt. It was kinda my thing.

Declan finished what he was doing, and when the customer slipped away, he turned to me. “Hi. Any news on the apartment?”

Declan was a good boss. There was no doubt in my mind he was asking because he was worried about me and not just because he didn’t want to lose me at the bar. “Nah, but I’ll figure it out. If not, it won’t be the end of the world to move back home.”

The heaviness in my chest said it was, though. I loved it here. I wanted to be able to stay out as late as I wanted, fuck whom I wanted, and not be the baby brother who didn’t have his shit together.

“I’m keeping an eye out. The guys are too. Sebastian said you can stay—”

I held up my hand. “I appreciate that, but you’re my boss. I can’t move in with you and your boyfriend…unless you’re looking for a third…then maybe.” He rolled his eyes, and I winked. “I’ll be fine. I bet it’s good to have him back.”

Declan would’ve never said the words out loud, but it had been clear how much he’d missed Sebastian while he was gone. He’d been back for a week or so now, and every night Dec was here, Bastian came in at some point too.

I wasn’t surprised when he steered the conversation back to work instead of answering. “Eliza will work tonight too. I’ll keep her and Jet behind the bar with me. You and the other guys can work the floor.”

“Sounds good. The customers love me,” I teased.

“That’s because you talk so damn much,” he joked…well, kinda joked. I did talk a lot.

“Life is too short not to have fun, Declan. You should try it sometime.”

“You do remember I’m your boss?”

“Boss, shmoss.” I sauntered away, knowing Declan was likely shaking his head at me.

I got to work, making my way around the bar and taking orders. A group of guys in the corner kept trying to get my attention, so I went over to them. “You boys looking for me?” I flirted before seeing a set of blue eyes that looked slightly familiar. “Hey…I think I know you.”

He clutched his heart. “You’re killing me here.”

I didn’t know what it was about that sentence that made the pieces fall into place. “Oh shit. Sorry! Ricky, right?” I’d met him on an app, and we hooked up once. Honestly, he’d been kind of a dick, but not too bad, just bossy in a way that hadn’t been sexy when normally I ate that shit up. I liked it on my terms, though.

He laughed. “See, I knew you’d remember me. How you been?”

“Good. You?”

We bullshitted for a few minutes. He was charming and funny and, well, hot. And he was clearly interested in a repeat performance.

“You busy tonight?” he asked. When I cocked a brow, he added, “I meant after work.”

“I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see if you get lucky.” His friends laughed. “I need to get back to it. What can I get you, baby?”

“You,” he replied.

“I said maybe.”

They laughed again, and Ricky gave me a flirty smile. “I want you.”

“Doesn’t everyone? Now order a drink before you lose your chance.”

He groaned playfully but then did. I grinned and walked away.

I’d only made it a few steps when my gaze snagged on a guy who was hands down the finest man I’d ever seen—tall, with beautiful brown skin that matched mine, and firm muscles that were definitely bigger than my own. I really wanted to lick…and maybe bite into them. Marcus kept his black hair buzzed short like I did. And I knew his eyes were a whiskey color and almost always serious.

He was one of Declan’s close friends, and while I just playfully flirted with Declan and Sebastian, I wanted Marcus. Badly.

My smile grew. This night was turning out to be a good one.

Chapter Three


Corbin had dragged me around LA most of the afternoon. We’d had a late dinner in WeHo before heading back to Santa Monica and Declan’s bar.