But his family was great. I liked them a lot. They’d taken me in, all of them, and when Kai had announced his decision to move, even though they were clearly worried and would miss him, they all made sure Kai knew they would support him all the way. They not only told him how much they loved him, they showed it.

That was something else that had been on my mind all damned week.

Kai was at work, so I knew I’d be going home to an empty house. I’d seen Corb on Sunday when we’d recorded the latest episode of The Vers, but we hadn’t spent much one-on-one time together lately. That made me feel like shit. Corbin had always been my person, and I didn’t want to let that slide because I was feeling some kinda thing for Kai.

I called him before heading home from the office. Corbin answered on the second ring. “Miss me?”

“Like a hole in the head,” I teased, then said, “I figured it’s been a while since you were blessed with my company. Come have dinner at my house tonight and help me edit the last episode of The Vers.”

“It’s okay if you miss me and just want to spend time with me, Daddy M. It doesn’t make you less gruff and badass. I’ll be right there.”

I had to force myself not to laugh. “Asshole.”

“Your favorite one! Oh, wait. That sounded weird. You know what I meant.”

This time I let myself chuckle before ending the call. I got home and showered, putting on a pair of sweats and no shirt after. When I got downstairs, Corbin was in the living room. “I ordered food. I knew you’d be all Marcus about me eating.”

He was on his phone, sitting at the bar. I walked over and plucked the cell from his hand. “None of this tonight.”

“You know you’re not really my dad, right? You’re not the boss of me, Marcus!” He crossed his arms, his words and actions purposefully dramatic.

“Give social media a break.”

“What if I was on Grindr?”

“You don’t need to hook up tonight. You’re with me.”

“Yeah, but you don’t give me orgasms,” he joked.

“You couldn’t handle me.” I winked.

“Would be like sleeping with my brother, but…now that we’re on the subject…you and Kai…” He waggled his brows. “You gonna pull a Declan and Parker and fall in love? What the fuck is up with us? We managed to make it into our thirties without falling into the heteronormative trap of a monogamous relationship, and now I’m the last man standing.”

I nearly choked on my tongue. Don’t ask me how, but I did. “I’m not in love with Kai.” That would be a disaster. Completely ridiculous. I would never… My pulse took off like the start of a race. What the fuck. Was I in love with Kai? I didn’t know how to even do that. Plus, there was no possibility it would last. I was too smart to let myself do something that dumb.

Corbin nearly fell off the barstool laughing.

“You’re a damn fool,” I said, thankfully saved by the doorbell.

I went to answer it, Corbin still cracking up behind me.

I hated my friend.

I went to the door, and there was Japanese food in a bag waiting for me. I brought it in, set it on the counter, and got plates. “I don’t love him.”

“Okay.” Finally, he’d calmed down. “You met his family…”

“Not as his boyfriend. I went to support Kai.”

“Oh, you mean like you’d do for me, Park, or Dec if we needed you? Because you love us, which is how you feel about him, only you also get to stick your penis inside him, which is basically a relationship from what I’ve gathered—love, friendship, and sex. Hmm, maybe that wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe I should try and find me one of those boyfriend things.”

It was my turn to laugh. In some ways he was an idiot, but he was also the best in every way. “We’re not boyfriends,” I said, not looking at him as I transferred our fried rice and teriyaki chicken to plates. Corbin took them to the table while I opened a bottle of wine, bringing that and two glasses over. “He’s twenty-six.”

“So? Jesus, Marcus. He’s a functioning adult. Who the fuck cares if you’re old and he’s not?”

I sat beside him. “If I’m old, then you’re old.”

“I’m good regardless.” He blew me a kiss.

I sighed. Fuck, what was I doing? Why in the hell was I even talking about this? I’d completely lost it—had a personality transplant or some shit. I wanted the old me back. “He’s moving.”

“Ask him to stay.” Corbin took a bite of his food. I was thankful I didn’t have to push him to do so. Most of the time he was okay, but he got into funks where he was so scared of gaining weight, he would hardly eat.