Declan said, “Also, not stripping in front of my employee.”

“But you would in front of the rest of us?” Parker teased. “Corbin was right. You might have a freaky streak.”

“From what I heard from Sebastian, our Dec can dirty-talk like a motherfucker.” Corbin held up his hand, waiting for a high five from Declan.

“What the fuck! Bastian didn’t say that.” But the panicked look on Declan’s face said he wasn’t so sure about that.

“Whatever you say.” Corbin crossed his arms, and Declan immediately swiped his cell off the table. I had no doubt he was texting Sebastian to ask.

When he set the phone down, he said, “Traitor,” under his breath before blurting, “Parker has a praise kink!”

“Dec!” Parker pushed him. “Oh, wait, actually, I don’t care if people know I’m Elliott’s perfect boy.”

I held up my hands. “This is getting a little into TMI territory. How about we get on topic now?”

“And the topic is?” Corbin asked. He had a point.

“We’ll take questions before ‘Mimosas and Man-Talk,’” I replied.

“I still think naked Twister would be more fun.” Corbin opened up our email on the tablet. “Okay…this one is good: How do I approach this really hot guy who is totally out of my league? I’m afraid I’m not as interesting as he is. Aw. You’re interesting. We all are in our own ways, and if he doesn’t see it, then he’s not worth it.”

The sad thing was, Corbin believed that when it came to other people, but I doubted he did when it came to himself. He played off his low self-esteem for everyone but us.

I said, “Maybe the two of you will have things in common, but maybe you won’t.”

“You suck at this,” Corbin told me.

“Fuck you.” I laughed. “What I meant was, just because you don’t have anything in common doesn’t mean you’re not interesting.” See? I could do this. “The only way you’ll ever know is if you talk to him. He’s human, just like you.”

“Yes,” Parker said, “but sometimes really hot humans are hard to talk to for mere mortals like the rest of us. It’s not always as easy to compartmentalize like you do.”

I nodded. “Agreed, but that doesn’t change the fact that he’ll never know unless he does it.”

“Or,” Corbin said, “he could secretly stalk him, find out what he’s into, and then pretend to like the same things.”

“Corb!” all three of us shouted.

“I was kidding. Seriously, though, don’t do that. I tried it once and—oops, my lawyer said I’m not supposed to talk about that,” Corbin joked.

“I would like the listeners to strike that from the record,” Declan teased. “You will disregard anything Corbin has ever said and will ever say in the future.”

His words earned another round of laughter from all of us.

“Why is it that the three of you are always picking on me?” Corbin pouted. He was only joking, but still, I wrapped an arm around him, pulled him close, and kissed his temple. I didn’t let go, and Corbin snuggled in. This…wasn’t really my thing. I wasn’t that touchy-feely, and usually they had to force me into the group hugs Corbin or Parker always initiated, but I also knew how much Corbin loved this shit.

“I’ll read the next one.” Parker reached for the tablet. Declan, who was closer, slid it over. “Sometimes I feel like I get lost in the top/bottom/vers discussion in the queer community. I consider myself a side because I’m not into penetration. I’ve tried it more than once, both ways, and I find it’s not for me. There are so many other things two men can do together, but a lot of guys don’t consider it sex unless one person ends up with their dick in someone’s ass. It’s signed: Sides Need Love Too.”

Corbin said, “There are a whole lot of ways to have sex—sucking, frotting, jerking off. I hook up with this guy who is a side, and we still make each other come our brains out.”

I added, “Anal penetration is great for those who are into it, but it’s extremely heteronormative to pretend that’s the only way to have sex.”

“And boring,” Parker chimed in. “Being creative with sex is half the fun.”

“Good boy.” Corbin winked at him, making Parker flip him off.

Declan said, “I think the most important part is not shaming anyone for what they want—penetration or not. Sex is so incredibly personal, and we should all be fucking the way that works for us. If someone can’t respect your sexual desires, then they don’t deserve to be with you. I think there are likely more sides out there than people realize.” Declan ran a hand through his hair.

“Which is part of the problem,” I said. “People are afraid of being shamed.”

“Sex and dating are complicated as fuck,” Parker said. “But conversations like this help.”