“Jesus, don’t encourage him,” Marcus said playfully.

“As if I need encouragement.” Corbin was backing toward the door. “I’ll see you guys on Sunday, and we can swap notes about who had the best sex tonight.”

“Oh my God, I love you!” I replied.

“I’d tell you to get in line, but I’d feel awful taking you away from Marcus.”

“Ha-ha.” Marcus was moving toward Corbin. I tried to tell him with my gaze he was fine to do whatever he had to do, and then with one more goodbye, Corbin slipped out, Marcus behind him.

I pulled the cornbread out of the oven and finished up while I waited. If Corbin needed Marcus, that was the most important thing. The food would be here afterward, and then I’d be there for whatever Marcus needed.

It was only a couple of minutes later that he came back in, though. “Is he okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, he’s good. I wouldn’t have let him leave otherwise. He showed me his texts. He really is meeting a hookup soon.”

“Good. I didn’t want him to feel like he had to leave. I know how important you two are to each other. If he needs you, that’s where you should be. I’m not going anywhere… Well, I am, but not tonight.”

Marcus’s expression was unreadable, but then he was stalking toward me. I moaned when he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close. For a second I thought he was going to say something, but instead his mouth just came crashing down on mine. The kiss felt like a cross between I want you and thank you, though he didn’t have anything to thank me for.

“We’ll eat, and then I’ll make you come.” He reached down and palmed my growing erection. “How does that sound, baby boy?”

I pressed into his hand. “If I didn’t know how bomb this meal is going to be, I’d say we could skip dinner and get to the orgasms.”

Marcus chuckled and smacked my ass. “You should eat first. You’re going to need the energy tonight.”

“Best. Roommate. Ever.”

We sat at the table together and had dinner, then washed the dishes before we went upstairs and Marcus made me come over and over all night.

Chapter Seventeen


“Hello and welcome to The Vers, where four best friends who rarely agree on anything give their versatile opinions about everything. I’m Corbin Erickson, The Charmer.”

“Marcus Alston, The Realist.”

“Parker Hansley-Weaver, The Romantic.”

“And I’m Declan Burns, The Loner.”

It was the second Sunday since Corbin had come over when Kai had cooked dinner. I’d been slightly concerned about him that night, but after going out and talking to him, I’d felt better. Corbin wasn’t good at keeping the truth from me, and if he’d been feeling some kind of way and had needed me, I would have known. Still, I’d made sure to spend more time with him over the past two weeks. Between work, hanging out with Corb, and Kai and I not only cooking dinner together every night he had off, but also breakfasts on his days off too, I’d been even more busy than usual.

For whatever reason, he insisted on making me meals. He enjoyed the kitchen, that much was clear, but I also wasn’t the type of man who let people do a lot for me, which was how we’d ended up doing it together now. I couldn’t imagine having any of the guys find out—especially Corbin, who would tease me, and Parker, who would think it meant more than it did.

Corbin said, “I was thinking we should have a naked game night once a week,” which effectively pulled me out of my thoughts.

“Elliott and I play naked games every night.” Parker pumped his eyebrows playfully.

“Stop bragging,” Corbin replied, just as Declan and I said, “No,” in unison.

Corbin pointed back and forth between the two of us. “Did you guys plan that? Before we meet up each week, do you sit down and decide how to be grumpy at the exact same time? Because I’m telling you, that’s some freaky shit.”

Dec said, “That would be impossible since we never know what to expect from you. How does one prepare for the hurricane that is Corbin Erickson?”

Corbin beamed. “Aww. Thank you!”

I tried to playfully smack the back of his head, but Corbin grabbed my wrist and bit my finger. “Ouch, fucker.”

Parker said, “Corbin just bit Marcus. This is getting good, listeners.”

“I will not be distracted from naked game night!” Corbin cut in. “We can start with Twister, and then I was thinking we could upload it to OnlyFans…you know, extra revenue and all that. Sebastian, Elliott, and Kai are welcome, of course. The more the merrier.”

“How generous of you,” Declan replied, but I was a little wrapped up in the fact that he’d added Kai as if he was on the same level as Elliott and Sebastian. Granted, we were talking about a fictional game of naked Twister that would never happen, but still.