Giving him some space, I stayed inside. I wasn’t the kind of man to chase and push for what I wanted from someone, even if that something made me a lot of money…which immediately made me think about Kai. Not the money part, but the not chasing. It had been over a week since we’d sucked each other off and he’d strutted naked out of my room, and…nothing since.

We saw each other, of course, because we lived together. He flirted with me because Kai flirted with everyone, but he hadn’t initiated sex again. The little brat basically pretended it didn’t happen, and while I should do the same and also shouldn’t give a fuck, it was all I could think about. He distracted me, and I didn’t like that shit, didn’t like having someone on my mind like this. He never stopped finding ways to get under my skin and annoy the hell out of me.

He also seemed to be really moving forward with the Atlanta offer. He’d talked to Declan about it, letting him know that he would be giving notice but would likely be around for another two months or so. And then, despite our conversation about friends, he’d gone out on Friday night.

It doesn’t matter. Why do you give a fuck what he’s doing? You—

“Mr. Alston?” The way Kurt said my name, I could tell it wasn’t the first time.

“Sorry. What did you say?” Motherfucking Kai. I was losing my damn mind.

“You’ll be hearing from my agent tonight,” Kurt replied.

I smiled. I knew I’d been right about him. At least I hadn’t lost that.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

I walked him out and then locked up. There were some properties I didn’t show myself anymore, but some I knew it was important to handle myself, and this had been one of them. I headed to my car, then straight back to work. When I was finished for the day, I called Corbin.

“What’s up, Daddy Marcus?”

“Why do you call me that?”

“Why do you ask me questions when you’re never satisfied with my answers?”

He had a point. “Let’s grab dinner tonight.” Silence greeted me, so I said, “Jesus Christ, Corb. Shut up and have dinner with me.”

He laughed. “I didn’t even say anything!”

“You didn’t have to. I know what you were thinking.”

“Well, you have to admit, outside of your home being completely open to us all the time, you’re not normally the first one to call and ask one of us to do something. Usually I’m forcing you to be social.”

I couldn’t say he was wrong. “Don’t get used to it.”

“Yes, sir. Where are we going?”

“What sounds good to you?”

“Something light.”

I rolled my eyes. “We’ll do Mediterranean. Meet me at Nil’s at six.”

“Yes, Daddy.”

I groaned but didn’t call him on the nickname again.

I made it to Nil’s before Corbin did. They seated me, and I pulled out my phone to click on Instagram. First, I checked out the account for Driftwood, which Kai ran for Declan because Declan hated that shit. When I realized I was scrolling and looking for Kai, I nearly threw my phone through the window of the restaurant. I headed to Corbin’s page next, which I checked often. There were thirst traps, mirror selfies, workout videos, and photos. Most of the comments were from men telling him how beautiful he was—truth—only they were looking at just what was on the outside and not what actually made Corbin…Corbin. The rest of the comments were from men saying how much they wanted to fuck him, or have Corbin fuck them, talking about his ass or what they wanted to do with his mouth.

Mixed in with all the comments telling Corbin how hot he was and how much they wanted him were three on the last photo that stood out. Two called him full of himself and said he was everything wrong with the queer community, and one said he wasn’t even that good-looking. Despite the hundreds of comments saying how beautiful he was, all he would do was focus on those three negative ones. Those were the things about Corbin that no one saw but us. I wished he would just cancel that fucking account altogether, but he never would.

“Sorry I’m late. Why are you stalking me?” Corbin sat down across from me and nodded at my phone.

“Because good Daddies watch their boys’ social media activity to make sure they’re being appropriate,” I joked.

Corbin chuckled. “Being good is no fun.”

“Now you sound like Kai,” slipped out of my mouth.

He raised a brow, but the waitress stopped by right then and asked if we wanted anything to drink. I wasn’t foolish enough to think he wouldn’t mention it as soon as she left, but at least it bought me a moment.

“Just water for me,” Corbin said, and I told her I’d like the same. I opened my menu when she left, but Corbin wouldn’t be deterred. “Mentioning Kai in random conversations now? Didn’t Park do that with Elliott in the beginning…and wait…I believe Declan did the same with Sebastian…hmm, curious.” I glanced up in time to see him rubbing his chin like he was deep in thought.