I said, “You know how sports spouses all have some kind of nickname? I think you guys should too. What would you be…the poddies?”
That made Elliott and Sebastian laugh.
“Sounds like someone has to use the bathroom. They also call themselves the Beach Bums. Maybe something with that,” Elliott said. It was cool how neither of them was ever jealous. You could tell they knew how special the friendship was between the four men, but that it didn’t change how much Declan or Parker loved them.
“Okay, explain this Beach Bums thing to me.” I took a sip of my coffee, then set it on the side table.
“When they were kids, they’d go to the beach to look at men’s asses, and called themselves the Beach Bums so no one would know,” Sebastian answered.
“Bum—ass. I see where this is going.”
“That’s also where the name of Parker’s bakery—Beach Buns—came from.”
“Well, shit. Aren’t they the cutest things?” I said, earning another chuckle.
They kept me in the loop while they talked—about the guys, but also about Elliott’s work as a city planner, and the screenplays Sebastian was writing and what his plans were for the future. Every once in a while, I’d hear laughter or arguing coming from the studio.
I finished my coffee, stood, and stretched just as the door opened. Marcus came out first, and his hot stare immediately went to me, starting at my head, then traveling down my body before going up again. I swear I fucking felt the way he looked at me, the desire skating across my skin. I glanced down at myself. I was wearing small cotton shorts and a cropped T-shirt.
“’Morning, Teddy,” I said.
“It’s afternoon,” he countered, and then his eyes widened as he realized what I’d called him. “Oh fuck.”
“Teddy?” Corbin asked. “Teddy? What the fuck is that nickname for, and please explain the story behind it.”
“Don’t do it,” Marcus warned.
“Do what? Tell them I call you Teddy because—oh my God!” I ran when Marcus came after me. He wrapped one arm around my waist, and the other hand went over my mouth.
He lifted me up, saying, “Be good,” while he tried to tug me out of the room.
I fought him, working to break free. When I licked his hand, he pulled it back, and I said, “You can’t talk to me like that unless we’re having sex.” His hand went to my mouth again. I wiggled until I fell out of his arms, my ass hitting the ground. I looked up at him. “I expect you to kiss it and make it better.”
He rolled his eyes before grabbing my hand and drawing me to my feet.
“You should check for bruises.” I looked over my shoulder and down at my butt.
“You’re fine.”
“Thank you.” I smiled.
“That’s not what I meant.”
I frowned. “So I’m not hot?”
He shook his head just as Corbin’s voice broke through this little game we were playing. “Anyone else feel like they walked into an alternate universe? It’s like I don’t even know Marcus anymore.”
Marcus’s attention snapped to his friends as if he’d forgotten we weren’t alone.
“Yep, I do,” Parker responded.
“Count me in,” Declan added.
“Here too.” Elliott raised a hand.
“I think it’s sweet.” Sebastian grinned.
“Sweet?” Marcus said. “He makes me crazy.”
“Hey. That wasn’t nice.” I pouted.
“Are you kidding? It’s your goal.”
Okay, maybe he was right. “Yeah, well, it’s different for me to want that than for you to say it,” I teased.
“I don’t understand you.” Marcus walked toward the kitchen. “Don’t say a word,” he told Corbin, Declan, and Parker.
Everyone other than Marcus laughed.
Chapter Nine
It would be a cold day in hell before I would admit this to anyone, but I agreed with Corbin—it almost felt like I was living in an alternate universe. Whatever the fuck that was I’d done with Kai was so out of the ordinary for me that I was starting to wonder if someone had slipped me something. Was I high? I didn’t feel high, but I also didn’t wrestle with men I wanted to fuck either, so who knew?
I tried not to grumble as I pulled the seasoned chicken out of the fridge for the grill.
“You good?” Parker asked me quietly.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I replied as if I didn’t know why he’d asked. “You bring dessert?” Parker was a baker. I’d helped him acquire the building, and the business was thriving.
“Of course. And I brought a pineapple upside-down cake just for you.”
“Good man.” I loved that shit. I wasn’t big on desserts, but that was my favorite.
“I’ll help you.” Parker and I carried the food outside, where I had the grill and a full kitchen. Kai was talking to Elliott and Corbin when we passed by, and he winked at me before kissing the air. I almost smiled but stopped myself. All it would do was encourage him. I needed to chill the fuck out where Kai was concerned.